Just In
for Fragments of Love

9/13/2019 c6 Dreamaholics
Awesooome! Nice writing. Please continue!
8/22/2019 c6 MlleFairy
Viva the story's update ️
8/18/2019 c6 Francesco Capogna
Next pleaseee
8/17/2019 c6 Lil Cabbage
Great work, glad to see you back. Keep it up!
8/16/2019 c5 jackyfloresq2001
Can't wait for the next chapter in this story
7/15/2019 c5 MlleFairy
Viva the story's update ️
7/6/2019 c5 Mgiep96
Don’t leave us like that! Please update
6/29/2019 c5 mangamanic
I need to see the rest. This is so good
5/24/2019 c1 Guest
It was great.
4/29/2019 c5 Guest
Author plez
3/9/2019 c5 Guest
The plot and buildup for the defining moment could not be any better. Please don’t abandon this amazing piece of pure potential.
3/9/2019 c5 Guest
10 months and counting. Not that I give any shits - I just want you to continue this fantastic story. No matter how long it takes.
1/20/2019 c5 Pyroclastic flow
Out of curiosity, how long is the gap this time?
1/13/2019 c5 phoenixcloudburst
Waaah this is good, this is good. I can't wait for the next chapter. You said we wouldn't have to wait for another 9 months but it's almost 9 months now huhu. I hope everything is well.
8/25/2018 c5 c.wwhy
really good plot! I srsly can't wait for the next chaptersgood jobb
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