1/6/2018 c4 Lillyannp
Damn! Cliffhanger! Update please. You have a really good story in progress.
Damn! Cliffhanger! Update please. You have a really good story in progress.
12/14/2017 c4 eruvien
Please please please continue. I need more. I will die if I don't know what happens next.
Please please please continue. I need more. I will die if I don't know what happens next.
12/6/2017 c1 Dark Kyo
Will you continue the story? I want you to continue. You left it at the best part, you know. You can’t do this to us. Please make an effort
Will you continue the story? I want you to continue. You left it at the best part, you know. You can’t do this to us. Please make an effort
11/26/2017 c4 Guest
Is there an update on its way soon?
The story is so good and FULL of emotion! I just wished that there were more chapters to satisfy my thirst for more sourina! But also to read what happens now between them!
Is there an update on its way soon?
The story is so good and FULL of emotion! I just wished that there were more chapters to satisfy my thirst for more sourina! But also to read what happens now between them!
10/16/2017 c4 Nn
Is this story going to continue or the author is hiatus?
Is this story going to continue or the author is hiatus?
8/19/2017 c4 Pansy25
Yay! Finally they've met again! But will this ge a cold reunion. Will Soma welcome her with open arm? Good cliffhanger! :)
Yay! Finally they've met again! But will this ge a cold reunion. Will Soma welcome her with open arm? Good cliffhanger! :)
8/13/2017 c4
3Suzaku Mizutani
*screams internally because of cliffhanger* But in reality, I need more of this in my life... Sorina is just too good.

*screams internally because of cliffhanger* But in reality, I need more of this in my life... Sorina is just too good.
8/12/2017 c4 kpchrs
This is sweet and angsty, just like what I like. The characters are kinda OOC and there are couples I don't really care about, but it's reviving a lil bit of my passion for Sorina. It's well written, even if with a lil bit of typo and grammar error. Good job and I'm waiting for the next chapter!
This is sweet and angsty, just like what I like. The characters are kinda OOC and there are couples I don't really care about, but it's reviving a lil bit of my passion for Sorina. It's well written, even if with a lil bit of typo and grammar error. Good job and I'm waiting for the next chapter!
8/4/2017 c4 Guest
7/31/2017 c4 Guest
Can't wait to read mooooore. Evil cliffhanger. It's great.
Can't wait to read mooooore. Evil cliffhanger. It's great.
7/31/2017 c4 D
Damn good story.. and you know what? You are good at making cliffhangers...xD... Guess it was a bit OOC for Souma to say something like "fucking or fuck"
Damn good story.. and you know what? You are good at making cliffhangers...xD... Guess it was a bit OOC for Souma to say something like "fucking or fuck"
7/31/2017 c4 Reficul
This is so sad. But It's a good story. Please update.
This is so sad. But It's a good story. Please update.
7/30/2017 c4 Guest
i can already see i now, every chapter is gonna have a cliffhanger that anals me. But thats what i like about you ;). great story and can't wait for more
i can already see i now, every chapter is gonna have a cliffhanger that anals me. But thats what i like about you ;). great story and can't wait for more
7/28/2017 c3 ekizena
Oh my. Its so sweet really can't wait to read the next chapter anymore.
Hope you continue it every time you feel free
I will be waiting for your story.
Oh my. Its so sweet really can't wait to read the next chapter anymore.
Hope you continue it every time you feel free
I will be waiting for your story.