Just In
for Fragments of Love

1/6/2018 c4 Lillyannp
Damn! Cliffhanger! Update please. You have a really good story in progress.
12/14/2017 c4 eruvien
Please please please continue. I need more. I will die if I don't know what happens next.
12/6/2017 c1 Dark Kyo
Will you continue the story? I want you to continue. You left it at the best part, you know. You can’t do this to us. Please make an effort
11/26/2017 c4 Guest
Is there an update on its way soon?
The story is so good and FULL of emotion! I just wished that there were more chapters to satisfy my thirst for more sourina! But also to read what happens now between them!
10/16/2017 c4 Nn
Is this story going to continue or the author is hiatus?
8/19/2017 c4 Pansy25
Yay! Finally they've met again! But will this ge a cold reunion. Will Soma welcome her with open arm? Good cliffhanger! :)
8/13/2017 c4 3Suzaku Mizutani
*screams internally because of cliffhanger* But in reality, I need more of this in my life... Sorina is just too good.
8/12/2017 c4 kpchrs
This is sweet and angsty, just like what I like. The characters are kinda OOC and there are couples I don't really care about, but it's reviving a lil bit of my passion for Sorina. It's well written, even if with a lil bit of typo and grammar error. Good job and I'm waiting for the next chapter!
8/4/2017 c4 Guest
7/31/2017 c4 Guest
Can't wait to read mooooore. Evil cliffhanger. It's great.
7/31/2017 c4 D
Damn good story.. and you know what? You are good at making cliffhangers...xD... Guess it was a bit OOC for Souma to say something like "fucking or fuck"
7/31/2017 c4 Reficul
This is so sad. But It's a good story. Please update.
7/30/2017 c4 Guest
i can already see i now, every chapter is gonna have a cliffhanger that anals me. But thats what i like about you ;). great story and can't wait for more
7/31/2017 c4 captainkwakkie
SORINA PLZ! , We need it!, Nice story, nice phasing
7/28/2017 c3 ekizena
Oh my. Its so sweet really can't wait to read the next chapter anymore.
Hope you continue it every time you feel free
I will be waiting for your story.
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