Just In
for Fragments of Love

7/30/2017 c4 Ceragon
Nice one with the call. ;) Can't wait for the next :D
7/30/2017 c4 2Skytte
Okay... You got me! I really thought that was Soma in the phone calling Erina in the last chapter haha. Well, so she is back... Finally! Yep, now I just have to wait to see these two toguether but something is telling me that more problems will happen also. So yeah, waiting for the next update! See ya!
7/30/2017 c4 JLgods01
It's getting to be so good. Keep up the amazing work.
7/30/2017 c4 4raydark182
-loads gun- I am going to end you! Jk, impressive way to go about things, the story is really turning out good. I can't wait to see how this turns out. Can't wait for the next chapter.
7/30/2017 c1 Unforgiven Night
Love the story, Love the plot, I like your constant uploads. I like how Yukihira developed same with nakiri. The Update time are amazing... I like it 4.9/5 minus 0.1 for the cliffhangers.
7/28/2017 c1 80reauvafs
I like your story, thr first chapter attract me. Soma.. Having a happily-ever-after-dream.. And wake up and realize it was just a dream.
I can understand why Soma did outburst like that because that was so sudden. But I just.. Couldn't fully understand Erina's decision?
She wants to leave Totsuki because it reminds her of her father?
She has more reasons to stay in Totsuki because she has friends that ease her bad memory of Azami, her father is no longer a threat, her grandfather become the director, and she has Soma.
Sorry but I don't (can't?) understand that. Maybe.. Just maybe.. Can you give us some explanation in the next chapter perhaps? So the plot will be more convincing.

(ohh should I say I really like ch 3 when Erina and Soma banter? Cause I can imagine they everydays argument would be like that. I mean.. Full of shouting.)
7/28/2017 c3 Guest
imma be honest with you, the cliffhangers kill me but thats what i like about you. Know just how to push the buttons. Excellent work, eager to see more
7/28/2017 c3 JLgods01
omg my heart hurts with Soma and Erina. I'm looking forward to what else you have in store for them. Soerina for the win!
7/28/2017 c3 2Skytte
Oh thank you so much for this update, I really think it was good! I wonder how things will go on at this point. I just wanna more of Sourina moments! See you soon, with a new chapter I hope.
7/28/2017 c3 4raydark182
You evil person, may the flames of hell burn you alive! Lol, jk, good chapter. It really captures quite a few interesting interactions between characters. Just hope that you're not planning what I think you're planning, otherwise I will be miffed, lol jk. Can't wait for the next chapter.
7/28/2017 c3 16Madeline Axelle
I built up my courage and I'm left brokenhearted Dx you definitely nailed the emotion! And I can see some references of other sorina fic in this chapter xD
7/28/2017 c3 Guest
Holy hell, you’re fast with updates. Good job. Very good fix so far
7/28/2017 c3 Guest
With the current situations in the manga, i really miss erina.. So thirst of sorina fic.. Thank you for this and keep up the good work!

Ps honestly?! A cliffhanger? When theyre communicating again?
7/28/2017 c1 Madeline Axelle
Wow! Your first fanfic sure isn't bad at all (scratch that, your writing is awesome!) tbh I'm a bit scared to move on to the next chapter because how angsty Soma is Dx I can't see my Soma get hurt *sobs* all and all, keep up the good work. You'll go a long way!
7/27/2017 c1 1Hinate
Sorina Forever...
Damn that was sure intense... was a lil hard to read... it's kinda hard to imagine what's going to happen though i really hope you don't hurt us too much... well Erina's reason for leaving acc. to my assumption should be coz of Azami or illness... i can't think of any other reasons and either are really sad D:
Still looking forward to next... i just love em too much Pls don't hurt em much and me
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