Just In
for Fragments of Love

7/26/2017 c2 4raydark182
Very interesting story, you've caught my attention and I'm hoping you continue to grow and improve this story further. can't wait for the next chapter.
7/26/2017 c2 2Skytte
Okay, you are just a cruel person... That cliffhanger kills me. Yep, you, bad person. But I love it! Too much, I felt the angust in Soma's thoughts, words and actions. This chapter was insane, keep the good work.
7/26/2017 c1 Skytte
This is interesting! It really is! I hope you continue this and give it an end, a happy one of course. I will follow this fic, the drama is nice and I love tragic and sad themes.
7/26/2017 c2 Volfy790
Good chapter
7/26/2017 c2 Guest
Excellent work, eager to see what happens next.
7/26/2017 c1 Blasta17
Need more. Great job mate
7/26/2017 c1 Guestt
Cooool ! I'm starting to like this story so far! Seeing Soma pissed was the best part imo. Keep up the good work and update as soon as possible ! :)
7/26/2017 c1 Volfy790
7/25/2017 c1 Guest
I think it's pretty good. :)
7/24/2017 c1 Lylaz
You did it great
7/24/2017 c1 Guest
Such a great start can't wait to see the best chapter
7/24/2017 c1 1FanFicFoxy
This is really good, keep your pace is my only advice because bad pacing can ruin a story, other than that I see nothing but positives in this opening chapter
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