Just In
for Decay

5/3/2021 c4 12HussleGirl87
Cute story. Would be nice if you finsh it
6/1/2020 c4 EM
When are you going to update this story so Dante meets his dad?
4/4/2020 c4 tarbush
Love me some Samlexis! This is a wonderful story:) I can't wait to see what comes next!
11/15/2019 c4 MQuartermaine
OMG, Diane is hilarious, loving Sexis in parenting mode. Little Dante is already protective of his little sister Kristina and he seems to be protective of Sam too. So glad Sam made it to the train. Looking forward to the next update.
10/30/2019 c4 mayzo51184
I'm so glad that you've added to this story! I love the friendship that Sam and Dante have formed and how they are all going to Port Charles together! I can't wait to see Sam meet Alexis for the first time! I'm glad that she was a match for Kristina!I absolutely love the banter between Dianne, and Alexis during the birth scenes. Dianne's a riote! lol! Great story!
10/27/2019 c4 Guest
I like that Dante and Sam are friends. Great chapter.
10/27/2019 c3 Guest
I'm glad you've uploaded more of the story. Really enjoying it and hope you keep uploading.
10/26/2019 c4 48Nickels39
Awww they are two freaking adorable
10/26/2019 c4 Guest
Really nice chapter. Dante and Sam are going to be friends forever, I thing. I didn't even want to rip off Carly's face. Kudos.
10/26/2019 c3 Guest
10/25/2019 c2 Guest
I'll never claim Sam fan status but I'm currently reading priorities and you have me hooked on that, so checking out your other stories. While I am invested in priorities and stalk each update, I hope when you finish that one, your muse brings you back to this one. It is a wonderful beginning.
10/22/2019 c2 mayzo51184
Oh, so that's how Sam meets Dante! Is there somewhere where I can find the rest of this story, or is this all you've got written so far?I want Alexis to find her daughter and to see how everything else will all play out. Anyway, I really like what you've done here and I'd like to read the rest of it!
10/22/2019 c1 mayzo51184
I just discovered your profile on here and saw this story. I like what' you've started so far! Poor Kristina! I just hope that Sam will get to Port Charles, and find her true family. Alexis, tell sonny about the baby you were forced to give away!
9/13/2017 c2 Guest
Interesting. I would love to see an update.
7/31/2017 c2 J
I'm enjoying how Sam and Alexis are going to meet. Hope you update soon.
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