Just In
for Gray Days

8/5/2017 c3 1aadams00
I loved the baby reveal. Booth better go handle this real quick.
8/4/2017 c3 akbk
Oohh- keep going- hopefully more chapters soon!
8/4/2017 c2 akbk
Yay- new chapter. Interesting how another character's point of view makes all the difference.
Interesting story looking forward to finding out how he finds out she's pregnant and what this mission was he was sent on. Also did he have a conversation with Hannah on the flight as well? Does Hannah now know he's with his Bones? So many questions not enough updates!
8/4/2017 c2 1aadams00
Interesting! Guess Booth is going to be in for a big surprise.
8/4/2017 c2 85554Laura
Interesting. I wonder if Booth will be able to fill Brennan in on everything.
8/4/2017 c2 304FaithinBones
Looks like he's going to be in trouble even though he didn't do anything wrong. Secret missions have a tendency to bite Booth back. Excellent story. Can't wait for more
8/3/2017 c1 wentzer
sure grabbed my attention, looking forward to more.
8/3/2017 c1 1aadams00
I'm interested in seeing where this goes. I want Booth back with Brennan. :)
8/3/2017 c1 10bookwormlady
Um...this WILL be a B&B story, right? You aren't breaking them up, are you? Because I'm not really a fan of that...
8/3/2017 c1 akbk
This is my favorite time period in the series. Looking forward to reading more soon.
8/3/2017 c1 mpsoldera
Looking interesting, keep going
8/3/2017 c1 MstgSzy
You've definitely piqued my interest...did Booth really go somewhere with Hannah?! Was the phone call Brennan received confirmation of her pregnancy?...So many questions! :)
8/3/2017 c1 85554Laura
what an exciting beginning. I'm anxious to read more.
8/3/2017 c1 304FaithinBones
Interesting start. I hope Booth didn't go back to Hannah
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