Just In
for Penn Zero's New Job

5/19/2020 c8 Leonardo
I hope Penn and Sashi manage to work things out between them.
Is the story part of the MUSHUverse?
5/15/2020 c8 11OMAC001
Phil and Phyllis are a mystery, wrapped in an enigma, set in the Plaster Man's hands!
1/12/2019 c7 megawing
Good I really liked Walter Melon when it aired on Fox Family so are Amelia and Sneero going to show up in this Story soon?
9/3/2018 c1 bhkXQ
Veri n1c3EHBst0ri01
5/13/2018 c7 OMAC001
Well, this is depressing. What does breaking up friendships have to do with helping the balance?
4/6/2018 c6 OMAC001
Okay, can't wait to see where this leads!
1/31/2018 c5 OMAC001
Interesting. What Mission does Phyllis want Larry and Sashi for? Hope to find out soon!
1/31/2018 c5 32DragonEmperor999
Poor Sashi
11/8/2017 c4 11OMAC001
Okay, can't wait to see Phase 2!
11/8/2017 c4 32DragonEmperor999
I love it
9/23/2017 c3 11OMAC001
Well, can't wait to see who wins the position!
9/23/2017 c3 32DragonEmperor999
Awesome chapter.
8/31/2017 c1 110Gracekim20
so is Walter melon a show? This is pretty good. I love how you mention that no one reads newpapers anymore XD Great job
8/25/2017 c2 Jason
ThunderCats, right. That took me a while.
8/25/2017 c1 Jason
I'm gonna start guessing the characters they play as from now on. You can correct me if I'm wrong. For this one, it's obviously Fantastic Four.
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