2/8/2021 c1
Im not going to ask how they took off Ratchet's Magnets...
Those things are supposed to be attached to his arms ! MAybe he need to verify XD

Im not going to ask how they took off Ratchet's Magnets...
Those things are supposed to be attached to his arms ! MAybe he need to verify XD
9/8/2020 c1 MothraRanger
This one-shot has been on FanFiction for three years, one month, and five days and no one has reviewed it? Okay...
This Fic is short but funny. Sentinel being pranked with a most likely fake human skeleton is hillarious! I highly doubt he has actually seen dead body, Cybertronian or organic-wise.
This Fic displays the Trope of "The Hunters Become The Hunted", or in this case "The Pranksters Becomes The Pranked," and is still very funny.
I got serious "Five Nights at Freddy's" vibes with the animatronic in the aforementioned movie Bumblebee and friends were watching. I had to snort at that. Speaking of which, was the animatronic the easter egg you spoke of?
That's all I have to say, really.
This one-shot has been on FanFiction for three years, one month, and five days and no one has reviewed it? Okay...
This Fic is short but funny. Sentinel being pranked with a most likely fake human skeleton is hillarious! I highly doubt he has actually seen dead body, Cybertronian or organic-wise.
This Fic displays the Trope of "The Hunters Become The Hunted", or in this case "The Pranksters Becomes The Pranked," and is still very funny.
I got serious "Five Nights at Freddy's" vibes with the animatronic in the aforementioned movie Bumblebee and friends were watching. I had to snort at that. Speaking of which, was the animatronic the easter egg you spoke of?
That's all I have to say, really.