Just In
for The Lost Scrolls

8/20/2024 c8 Zero1734
A pity this isn’t canon, great aftermath hahah and even greater interactions, didn’t knew I would enjoy a Fairy Tail X Konosuba event, guess we don’t know what we don’t know
5/11/2020 c8 KHARAKI TAKAN
Heh neat finally read this.
1/19/2020 c8 fenixrojo36
Sigue con la historia amigo
1/13/2020 c6 doomqwer
More fun here
1/13/2020 c5 doomqwer
Awww cute
1/13/2020 c1 doomqwer
Heheh this was cute look forward to when you start writing again
8/12/2019 c1 Guest
Will you continue writing the fox scrolls?
4/2/2019 c8 bladetri
like XD
4/2/2019 c8 1NaruRias
valla fue !INCREIBLE¡ aora no se que actualizacion ver que yege
4/2/2019 c8 1insanemaelstorm
This was a fun chapter. I like how Naruto just straight up manipulated kazuma into buying that useless item in order to help Weiss. Like how kazuma reacted to sane female, lmao. Can't wait to read more
4/1/2019 c8 15REX SLIDER
I can only say that ... jajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajajaja was very good jajajajajajajajajaja XD
poor kauzma
4/1/2019 c8 the shadow overlord279
Yunyun and Wendy interacting was golden
4/1/2019 c8 1rykott
Haha... the chapter was so crazy I barely know what happened.

Twas a great craziness though. Great stuff.
4/1/2019 c8 Mr. Haze
Now this is what I call a crossover! This was freaking amazing and freaking HILARIOUS! Oh man, how I love your stories and can't believe I haven't read one of these in the past months.
Plus sorry for forgetting about the fanart, I just need to find it in my documents and continue on it!
4/1/2019 c7 Nexxoz Highdraco
Haa stepped from the line. that lee and it's crazy techniques
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