Just In
for Stolen Hearts in The City of Thieves

9/20/2021 c4 v.barber22
I love this fic and Strange Magic so much. You write Gajeel and Levy so perfectly. Idk if you’re still writing but you should do a sequel about how Gajeel and Levy come together at FT including the details from this fic. I would love to read that!
3/5/2018 c4 4nerdy12
this was sooo cute
2/9/2018 c4 1xSapphirexRosesxFanx
Lovely I really loved it
8/25/2017 c4 Guest
i wanna to see gajevy's happily ever after
8/25/2017 c4 Guest
hey , continue the story , i wanna to know what will happen after the war!
8/24/2017 c4 Guest
:' -( It's over. i loveed it great job . I was hoping for more like when the war broken out.
Thx so much for the story:-)
8/24/2017 c4 Guest
That was beautiful! You are a very talented writer. I can't wait until the next chapter ugh they're so cute and I want them to be able to be okay if Gajeel attacks her as he did in the show!
8/19/2017 c3 Levy-loves-licks
Yes! This story gets better and better. Can't wait for the next update.
8/19/2017 c3 8suicuneluvr
Oh snap, can't wait to see what happens next. Love this chapter and can't wait for the next one!
8/15/2017 c1 JGio23
Keep those chapters coming, plz! Hope to see this story to its end!
8/14/2017 c2 suicuneluvr
Love it! I'm kinda worried when Gajeel finds out Leavy is a member of Fairy Tail though...Keep it up!
8/14/2017 c2 MissOtak1
Please Next Chapter
8/14/2017 c1 Mskumiko24
Oh can't wait to read on bow Gajeel will keep Levu around :-)
8/14/2017 c2 Lorelay
Omg I love your story please give me more!
8/10/2017 c1 Guest
There are stylijng issues. But read from your tumblr instead. This is amazing. Wow!

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