Just In
for I'm sorry

8/1/2018 c5 Sammii16
Love your story
8/20/2017 c5 9EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Hot, hot, hot! I loved it!
I'm glad they were locked in there. Lol
I wonder who is right though? Sexy punishment for the person who is wrong. xD I can imagine that happening. Haha
Loved this little fic heaps! Throughly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!
8/20/2017 c4 EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Aww Regina :( Don't cry. It makes me sad and just about everyone else.
I knew something bad would happen though. Wait..can't Regina just use magic to make it better? Wouldn't that work? xD
Good chapter!
8/20/2017 c3 EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Awww, that's such a cute Christmas idea!
I'll have to remember that for when I get my first girlfriend or boyfriend. If I ever get one that is!
Awesome chapter! I loved it!
8/20/2017 c2 EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Okay some Buffy comments first up!
I FREAKING LOVE ANYA! She's definitely my favourite so yay for Regina liking her too!
Also yes, I like Willow and Tara's relationship too!
Weirdly I didn't cry when Tara died. Some say I have no feelings BUT I bawled my eyes out when Anya died! SHE DIDNT DESERVE IT! Poor Anya. :(

Back to this fic!
Loved this chapter! Love how they watched Buffy! Totally understand Regina's feelings but I didn't think that scene was worth crying over. Lol
Glad Emma got back to comfort Regina.
8/20/2017 c1 EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Hahaha, I love this one piece! Short and entertaining!
8/16/2017 c3 Guest
Omigosh this was the cutest. And it's adorable your parents do this. Thanks for sharing.
8/14/2017 c1 CoollatinB
Keep posting! Fun story
8/14/2017 c1 noblegraces
Lol oh man, Emma's just ASKING for it :'D

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