8/20/2017 c5 9EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Hot, hot, hot! I loved it!
I'm glad they were locked in there. Lol
I wonder who is right though? Sexy punishment for the person who is wrong. xD I can imagine that happening. Haha
Loved this little fic heaps! Throughly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!
Hot, hot, hot! I loved it!
I'm glad they were locked in there. Lol
I wonder who is right though? Sexy punishment for the person who is wrong. xD I can imagine that happening. Haha
Loved this little fic heaps! Throughly enjoyed it. Thanks for sharing!
8/20/2017 c4 EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Aww Regina :( Don't cry. It makes me sad and just about everyone else.
I knew something bad would happen though. Wait..can't Regina just use magic to make it better? Wouldn't that work? xD
Good chapter!
Aww Regina :( Don't cry. It makes me sad and just about everyone else.
I knew something bad would happen though. Wait..can't Regina just use magic to make it better? Wouldn't that work? xD
Good chapter!
8/20/2017 c3 EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Awww, that's such a cute Christmas idea!
I'll have to remember that for when I get my first girlfriend or boyfriend. If I ever get one that is!
Awesome chapter! I loved it!
Awww, that's such a cute Christmas idea!
I'll have to remember that for when I get my first girlfriend or boyfriend. If I ever get one that is!
Awesome chapter! I loved it!
8/20/2017 c2 EvilRegalandJCapper4Life
Okay some Buffy comments first up!
I FREAKING LOVE ANYA! She's definitely my favourite so yay for Regina liking her too!
Also yes, I like Willow and Tara's relationship too!
Weirdly I didn't cry when Tara died. Some say I have no feelings BUT I bawled my eyes out when Anya died! SHE DIDNT DESERVE IT! Poor Anya. :(
Back to this fic!
Loved this chapter! Love how they watched Buffy! Totally understand Regina's feelings but I didn't think that scene was worth crying over. Lol
Glad Emma got back to comfort Regina.
Okay some Buffy comments first up!
I FREAKING LOVE ANYA! She's definitely my favourite so yay for Regina liking her too!
Also yes, I like Willow and Tara's relationship too!
Weirdly I didn't cry when Tara died. Some say I have no feelings BUT I bawled my eyes out when Anya died! SHE DIDNT DESERVE IT! Poor Anya. :(
Back to this fic!
Loved this chapter! Love how they watched Buffy! Totally understand Regina's feelings but I didn't think that scene was worth crying over. Lol
Glad Emma got back to comfort Regina.
8/16/2017 c3 Guest
Omigosh this was the cutest. And it's adorable your parents do this. Thanks for sharing.
Omigosh this was the cutest. And it's adorable your parents do this. Thanks for sharing.