Just In
for Puppy Arc

4/14 c1 Guest
Imagine puppy jaune meeting snoop Dogg
7/7/2023 c25 viveros528
lololololo I love this story
12/7/2022 c1 1Michael Warfstache
I hope you update soon this is one of my favorite fanfics
10/15/2022 c25 7CriticaofRandomness
Doggie Jaune Doggie Jaune
6/29/2022 c25 Niuzu0130
Hope you update Sión
Those 25 chapters just make my day much better
6/8/2022 c1 1Michael Warfstache
I hope this continues it's great
3/3/2022 c25 Loveless
Hey with puppy jaune piloting a paladin you could train the puppies ironwood adopted to pilot paladins as well
2/10/2022 c25 6Alpenwolf
Puppy Jaune can be quite the menace, the question is just how or to whom. Even his adorableness can be a weapon.
2/10/2022 c25 53Mmjohns
Cute af could be hilarious if Ruby finds out, can seriously imagine her making puppy Jaune his own battle suit
2/6/2022 c25 Guest
Go pup
1/30/2022 c25 PheonixX09
1/30/2022 c25 MarauderPrime12
Lol Roman
Excellent chapter
1/30/2022 c25 0akarigan0
Jajajaja el símbolo del colmillo blanco jajajaja. Magnífico trabajo.
1/29/2022 c25 7IrishKatana
Loved this chapter couldn’t stop laughing, I especially love the return of the PPP (Paladin Pilot Puppy).
1/29/2022 c25 X3runner
Wow I just realized that the potential ramifications of neo wanting jaune to be her pet would mean
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