Just In
for Puppy Arc

10/14/2021 c22 Queen Selene Rose
Legitmatley one of the most touching Arkos moments I've ever read
10/14/2021 c23 MarauderPrime12
Very sweet
Excellent chapter
10/14/2021 c23 Le Phoque Blanc
i like to see different shipping but the only true ship for jaune is Pyrrha. I'm excited to see their future relationship
10/13/2021 c23 MalphLink
That was too adorable!
10/13/2021 c23 8MogtheGnome
yay for pyrrha ship!
10/13/2021 c23 12Noble4259
Excellent work as per usual, and Arkos all the way muahahaha
10/13/2021 c23 Buildingcross
More please! Oh and when he does meet roman and neo agian he could transform in the middle of a threat.
10/13/2021 c20 Cheshirek3t
It's enough to make a grown man cry
10/13/2021 c23 3Onyx Gabriel
Bork! (Thank you)
10/13/2021 c2 Cheshirek3t
It's so. Damn. Fluffy
Guess i have a reason to exercise now
If i don't imma die from glicose
10/13/2021 c1 Cheshirek3t
Oh the possibilities
Oh the hilarity
Oh the HIJINKS! *evil smile*

Also, fun fact, i dunno how it is for the rest of the world, but funnily enough, here in brasil, legend says that the 7th or 8th (don't remember which) son of a couple who had only daughters until then will be cursed to become a werewolf
So it does kinda fit jauney boy :D
10/13/2021 c23 3Argus456
Oooh, that's nasty. At least they had a tissue to wipe it off though the memory will stick there forevah! XD
10/13/2021 c23 1none1066
poor arc became a tissues no less thanks for the chapter
10/13/2021 c23 4Donnard
You've spat in the face of not only myself, but other readers Blaiseing. See me in my office young man.
10/13/2021 c23 Anonymous69420
Nooo the based Neo ship :c
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