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for Gotei 13 watches anime - Pendulum cast

1/21 c1 Mitsuki Katagiri
Hey there,

I was scrolling through fan fiction and came across this story on Gotei 13 watches anime - Pendulum cast. I ended up reading the whole thing, and I absolutely loved it! The plot really captured my attention. As a commission-based artist, I couldn’t help but imagine how amazing and exciting it would be to adapt this into a comic. I was genuinely impressed by how well-crafted the story is.

If you’d like to discuss this idea further, feel free to reach out to me on my social media:

Discord: hanavic1
Twitter: FollowerGato
12/14/2024 c5 Immortalman18
Does anyone know why this fanfic says it was updated recently? I am not going to lie I got excited seeing it was updated but everything seems the same although I don't remember reading parts of the last chapter. So that could be the update I am just unsure.
12/12/2024 c5 Kragh
Interesting story so far. I'm definitely interested in seeing more :)
12/12/2024 c1 Crescent cut 101
I really wish you can go with the Manga version instead of Anime version.
Even Tite Kubo himself dislike the 2004 anime adaptaton since Studio Pierrot change so much from the source material like adding anime only scene and removing entire manga panel from the anime altogether.
12/15/2022 c6 Guest
I can’t find your stories on ao3!
9/25/2022 c6 Thanatos 2018
This is the first time I'm hearing of this!
9/23/2022 c6 FlashDevil
I don’t know if this true or not but if you check out at the FictionPress twitter page, it says that they will be doing an updated overhaul of the site. Not sure if they mention shutting down but it’s either a shut down or they just Revamping, overhaul, and updating the site. I could be wrong.
9/23/2022 c6 4Monster King
I hope you continue
8/31/2022 c5 Sword2006
Are you going to continue the story?
4/17/2022 c5 71KatoGS123
Will you be continuing this? I really don’t like how there aren’t enough “watching the series” fanfics for Bleach and yours is so far one of the best ones I read that there are out there
3/15/2022 c5 Guest
The Guests here are little shits.
10/21/2021 c5 3zeldawolffang
This was the only one of these i could find and it's dead D:
10/20/2021 c5 Daniele da Silva
Very Good, please update
4/29/2021 c5 Axccel
You've done a good job with this. A shame it died.
1/18/2021 c5 Hestia Frost
I love it! I hope you update! I love how it’s never boring you choose just the right details
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