5/4/2023 c12 Lupus
Next chapter please
Next chapter please
1/17/2023 c12 guest
I don't know why, but could you ship Chuchi with someone? Maybe Matt?
I don't know why, but could you ship Chuchi with someone? Maybe Matt?
9/14/2022 c8 Fanfictionreader
Westar... As in Jango Fett's WESTAR-34 Pistol?
Westar... As in Jango Fett's WESTAR-34 Pistol?
9/10/2022 c7 Fanfiction reader0307
Will Mat get better at his fighting style with his lightsaber? because I can understand why he lost to Ventress, he didn't get more training with his saber, but still he should at least stood a fighting chance.
Will Mat get better at his fighting style with his lightsaber? because I can understand why he lost to Ventress, he didn't get more training with his saber, but still he should at least stood a fighting chance.
9/9/2022 c12 Fanfiction reader0307
Amazing chapter! One question.
1. In the future, will Mat change his lightsaber to a double sided or stick with his single one? Will he use Mando armor, or a sorta Clone trooper Armor like Obi Wan's ?
Amazing chapter! One question.
1. In the future, will Mat change his lightsaber to a double sided or stick with his single one? Will he use Mando armor, or a sorta Clone trooper Armor like Obi Wan's ?
9/5/2022 c12 Guest 0307
Please continue!
Please continue!
4/11/2022 c12 Alina
Автор пожалуйста выпустите следующюю главу сегодня пожалуйста прошу я хочу знать что случилось дальше умоляю но пожалуйста
Автор пожалуйста выпустите следующюю главу сегодня пожалуйста прошу я хочу знать что случилось дальше умоляю но пожалуйста
12/10/2020 c12 Darcy
hoping to see more chapters
hoping to see more chapters
12/6/2020 c12 Guest
hoping to see more chapters
hoping to see more chapters
8/23/2020 c12 Darcy
hoping for more good chapters
hoping for more good chapters
4/30/2020 c12 Guest
Very nice writing and I love how you’ve followed the episodes, can’t wait for the next chapter! Loving this story so far and how it has been going :)
Very nice writing and I love how you’ve followed the episodes, can’t wait for the next chapter! Loving this story so far and how it has been going :)
4/27/2020 c5 sguti392
I really like the approach your taking so far with mat and the clones and them teaching him to use a blaster.
I really like the approach your taking so far with mat and the clones and them teaching him to use a blaster.
9/24/2019 c7 Guest
Why do I have a feeling that the blaster belonged to jango fett
Why do I have a feeling that the blaster belonged to jango fett