Just In
for The Journey of the Second Padawan

7/18/2018 c9 storm dragon king
love this story,i mainly like how you follow the events of the show but do it without making it feel like your completely copying the show and add your own twist too it,keep up the good work :)
7/16/2018 c1 storm dragon king
Great story so far :)
7/11/2018 c8 Cf96
Great work as always
7/10/2018 c8 10Grimlock987
Isn’t that one of Jango’s pistols
7/7/2018 c8 Blizzarddragon777
So what's he going to do with Jango Fett's don't let Mat "lose his head" over finding it, also sorry for the pun.
7/6/2018 c8 20BraveSeeker3
Dangit. I had to go back and read my review because I couldn't remember what I wrote.

Still can't regarding what Mat did. . .

Mat found one of Jango's pistols? Wow! Kinda hoping that makes its way back to Boba.
7/6/2018 c8 2Shadow Solaris
Glad to hear from you again, no wonder I didn’t recognize the gun cause the Westar 34 was custom made blaster only by Jangonas far as I know.
Wonder what new adventures we will see later on.
7/6/2018 c8 1Ironknight3307
Good chapter also is this story going to be mixture of both Canons/Legends put together?
4/30/2018 c7 Ironknight3307
Great chapter please update. Also I think the gun is jango Fett' s. Plus will you also add the chapter of him and his master going to Mangalore to meet the duchess saltine and the terrist the death watch?
4/10/2018 c7 Jake
Love this story! Also will Ahsoka and mat get together.
4/9/2018 c7 Guest
Awesome story man! Can't wait for the next chapter!
4/9/2018 c7 Guest
THIS IS AWESOME! Update soon!
4/3/2018 c7 Cf96
Nice work
3/31/2018 c7 Guest
Great chapter
3/30/2018 c7 3Zorua1
First of all, thank you so damn much for saving 99! Second, Episode II!
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