Just In
for The Journey of the Second Padawan

3/30/2018 c7 2Shadow Solaris
Good chapter and very detailed, I specially liked that you kept 99 alive in this one and how human May treats everyone even if is a clone or a droid.
Also the ship that docked with the city was an Acclamator class star destroyer not an Arquitens light-cruiser, just to be clear.
I don’t know who the gun belongs to but maybe have a slight idea.
3/30/2018 c7 Bluebutterfly
This was a really good chapter my guess is that the blaster is Jango Fetts also np glad I was able to help.(guest)
3/30/2018 c7 seruis
I'm gonna be honest here and not lie my way around this, I've never really watched Star Wars. I was just curious and had nothing else to read so I decided to read this just for the sake of it, and it turns out that I got into this. Maybe one day I'll find the time to actually watch Star Wars but as of now I can't seem to see my lazy self to actually watch something without being physically forced to, however, I will try so that I can get the gist of things.

As always, good luck and have a great day!

P.S. Random question but what's your favourite weapon? You don't need to answer if you don't want to, no pressure!
3/30/2018 c7 20BraveSeeker3
Yes, I did! And I really liked Fives and Echo showing up. Those two are my faves!

99 LIVES! THIS IS CAUSE FOR CELEBRATION! But what was that thing that Mat did, hmmmm?

Lovin' this,

3/21/2018 c6 Guest
Just as a side note padawans are given the rank of commander knights are rank of General
3/21/2018 c6 2Shadow Solaris
Interesting story from a someone with a different POV of things. Hope we see 218 and others like him in the future.
Also if May can empathize with a droid then wonder how he will feel with the Zilo beast.
3/21/2018 c6 7RedHood001
Amazing chapter as always. Also, I agree. For a droid that is not R2 or C-3PO, or even BB-8, that is just a common Trade Federation droid, that droid gave off something so...sentient. I actually felt bad when I first watched that part. Now, I actually can't wait for Satine to appear and meet Mat because...let's face it, Mat will be the closest thing Obi-Wan has to a son. He saw Anakin as a brother. I kinda picture Mat having Obi-Wan as a father figure, and Satine as a mother figure when he meets her. Like...imagine him in the middle of the two arguing like a married couple. Even maybe arguing about his safety or if he's prepared for something. Fluffy. Hilarious. Family. Time. XD


I wonder...Anakin has his apprentice and Obi-Wan has his now.

Do you think when Maul comes in the picture or even early on, there could be a role-reversal type arc? Maul tortures and seduce Mat to the dark side temporarily (but for a long arc like one of those moments where the friend becomes the enemy for a whole season or half the season. Or more drastically like Naruto and Sasuke) and Ahsoka fights him?

Volcanic battlefield, lightsabers blazing? Mat could even be aggressive like Kylo Ren in the new trilogy. Maybe even be injured in the abdomen and he keeps punching his wound to increase his pain and anger. Even knocks Ahsoka to the ground before waiting for her to get up and fight him with all she's got because he knows her well enough that she's holding back.

Heartbreaking. Emotional. Such potential.
3/21/2018 c6 Cf96
Great work
3/20/2018 c6 1SAK-96
Damn, one or so sessions of training by the clones and Mat’s already a gunslinger.

Can’t wait to see him kick some ass on Kamino.
3/20/2018 c6 Blizzarddragon777
I just hope his NEXT one will be his last one cause he loses his new one, if the separatist don't kill him, Obi wan has dibs on second.
3/20/2018 c6 20BraveSeeker3
I will be disappointed if that droid doesn't show up again. . .

I really liked that conversation between Mat and Padme. :)

3/14/2018 c5 Cf96
3/10/2018 c5 7RedHood001
No all honesty, I relate so much to your situations. Motivations shot down, other games catching my interest, and other stories, college, ideas popping up too much. Heheh. Brilliant chapter as always, looking forward to the next one! You're awesome and amazing! Have a nice day/night!
3/10/2018 c5 20BraveSeeker3
Poor Mat, loosing his lightsaber like that :p

I loved all the moments between Mat and Rex; I have a feeling the good Captain will be mentoring/big brothering both Ahsoka /and/ Mat now.

But what about Cody? As Kenobi's padawan, Mat will be spending a lot of time with the 212th, and it's important for commanding officers to have good relationships with their subordinates. Granted, this is just the end of the movie, so there hasn't been much of the 212th. . .
3/10/2018 c5 Blizzarddragon777
Mat, you might want to glue that lightsaber to your hand cause kenobi is gonna keep reminding you "mat ,this weapon is your life."
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