Just In
for The Journey of the Second Padawan

12/31/2017 c4 20BraveSeeker3
This is shaping out to be a promising story. Will be waiting eagerly for the next chapter!
12/29/2017 c4 Guest
Great chapter
11/14/2017 c4 Cf96
11/13/2017 c4 MR.Clay
Well done good sir.
11/13/2017 c4 seruis
Awesome, can't wait to see what happens next.
11/13/2017 c4 Blizzarddragon777
Keep it up!
9/23/2017 c3 Cf96
9/22/2017 c3 XxGuestxX
Hey Vendicor, this is less of a question and more of a thank you.
A year ago I was in a really dark place and reading (anything) was one of the very few escapes I had, even today when things are bad or don't seem to be ok anymore I always look forward to reading one of your Fic's your an amazing writer and you convinced me to continue writing, so thank you so much for everything you've done and I wish you the best moving forward :)

P.S. I made a acct it's XxSpades231xX and I can't wait to start writing again
9/22/2017 c3 7RedHood001
Great chapter! I love how Mat is bonding with the clones my feels have grown strong for what would have happened at Order 66! DX Or Rebels...if he even SURVIVES! Or meet Obi-Wan again! I'm thinking waay ahead but I love this new element that you put in. Very well done and written! You're awesome! Keep up the fantastic work!
9/21/2017 c3 15.56X45
I like where this story is going so far. You have no idea on how much I like that you are following the show but putting your own twist on it and not completely following the original story. Finally someone understands fan fic when they do it this way! Please continue.
9/19/2017 c2 Blizzarddragon777
How about he have a lightsaber like Ezra.
9/16/2017 c2 XxGuestxX
It would be hilariously f**ked up if Matt turned to the dark side, like if Obi wan had a curse where all his pupils turned sour (evil/to the dark side) like a running gag!
Though I guess Luke ruins that :( well I just wanted to let you know that while I don't have a account (yet) I loved
Your amazing Tale of Jade story and decided "I might not of been the biggest clone wars fan [still liked it though] I really want to see how xcantax (now vendicor, why did you change your name?) could make me like it even more :) have a great day and thnx for taking the time to read this review from a guest. As always have fun reading.
9/13/2017 c2 Cf96
Nice work
9/12/2017 c2 7RedHood001
It's okay. Tbh, I'm very patient in waiting for updates and I have plenty of other stories to read too. Writer's block is completely understandable. Also I'm very interested on how this AU will go.
9/12/2017 c1 RedHood001
That introduction NAILED ME IN! XD

You've convinced me. This is awesome...and I'm very saddened by what Mat's fate will be...if you are gonna go through Rebels.
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