Just In
for New Kids on the Block

12/12/2024 c1 1Abyss Trinity
I've read your profile bio about how your tired about not getting attention to your fanfiction or getting reviews. Bruh this fanfiction here is YOUR MOST POPULAR FANFICTION! like come on given that you haven't updated this I guess that this fanfiction wasn't something you like doing or that you wanted to be popular. People like what they like, you had something rare here. Both Goten & Trunks having their own adventure is something rare in fanfiction. There are not many fanfiction that write. about them.

If you want to abandon this fanfiction can you at least give it up for adoption to someone else that would want to continue this. I'm not bashing you or anything but your profile bio message got me angry at you when you have this gem of a fanfiction with tons of Dragon Ball lore out now.
9/19/2024 c5 1MNRCH ASHBORN
Only one thing i don't like in this fic is that after attacking from behind without any warning or without asking if they wanted to fight or not they have the balls to play victim, i mean come on bro, i get it they are ninjas but it doesnt mean they can flail their shurikens and kunais to their citizen, what the fuck sort of reasoning is that, author you could have done better than this than having them play victim in their monologue.

And i seriously dont think that Trunks attitude was out of place , Jonin or not , she antagonized him first and Kurenai says "oo he doesn't know respect , he has attitude problemget your bitch ass out of there, Anko challenged him to fight and she lost, miserably so and then she sayshe needs to fix his attitude" , well of course he does have to fix his attitude but that doesn't chage your mistakes.

Even in the og Naruto no one goes throwing shurikens at others to see if they can respond fast enough thats just being dick to others, if you have to fight him go challenge him then do all your trickery, cuz the village is not a battlefield.
And please author look into this, if you can improve it please do it.

The rest of the fic is really great, thanks for writing this fic , but please i can only request you to change the victim mindset
9/24/2023 c1 AlastorEX616
Great work assassinating Naruto's character
7/27/2023 c1 Guest
This is top-tier fan fic, the characters are super well done, and the interactions really show your understanding of the source material. I really hope you come back to this. dont listen to the fools leaving reviews to either buff or nerf the Saiyans. theyre perfect, and its impressive you can write such a good story given the massive discrepancy in power between the two fictions.
5/22/2023 c12 1Sheddendo
i love your story, it's a hidden gem among the vast ocean of shitty fics. but please, DO not ruin your story with execcive underage shipping, faaaarrr too many stories I used to like have fallen victim to this as many of them went from a cool story with a cool and unique concept to borderline disgusting and predetory pieces of garbage made by vile and creepy human beings. if you ever come back to this story after 3 years, don't fall victim to the intrusive thoughts.
5/20/2023 c1 Sheddendo
5/16/2023 c14 romeroFan
I'm sorry to hear about your stories not receiving a lot of reviews. There is actually a reason for that. Lately, FanFiction did an update where the users have to actually go into their settings and turn on the email notification for published stories. They did not make that well-known to the public... not good, FanFiction... :(

This is easily your best story to date - please don't give up! Your writing is phenomenal... :)

You also accurately display the correct power levels of the DBZ characters - them essentially being gods... :)

Unlike others here on FanFiction who actually nerf them. It's super uncomfortable... :(

That said, I'm truly sorry to hear about your lack of reviews, and I wish you the best. That's actually FanFiction's fault, not your fans. Your writing is really good - please don't get discouraged, okay? You're doing great... :)
5/8/2023 c15 JL-King686
Man don’t stop. I was skeptical starting this, but grew to love it. Please continue!
1/24/2023 c15 Vlog1994
I really enjoyed the fic and the writing style. I only hope that you can continue the story
4/12/2022 c15 Ohma
man, I really wanted to see how you planned on changing the story further...but I guess you've dropped the fic already..

it was really well written too, it was a fun ride though.
4/12/2022 c13 Ohma
"this time"

man, the feels..
4/11/2022 c7 Ohma
the light tone at the beginning didn't prepare me for Trunks' internal monologues
4/11/2022 c5 Ohma
Honestly a fun ride, character interaction is what I come for in fanfic...

I like how you don't plan on nerfing them, I don't really mind but it would feel still feel off for me whenever characters I know are getting nerfed. If I wanted fight scenes it's better to just watch an anime.
12/30/2021 c15 fadumo2468
Aw I caught up! That being said If the dragon balls don’t work I’m pretty sure the grand kais should be able to locate them, I hope piccolo is ok, and I’m nervous buu is out in some other dimension blowing up the planets and tearing holes in dimensions or something. Maybe buu will tear a hole into the Naruto world and finally give the kids a run for their money.

Oh and F hiruzen and the shinobi world, vegeta will blow up their planet for treating his son as a breeding machine. Also trunks really being a ‘Yamaha’ right now with ino being ‘bulma’. He’s practically whipped at this point, SAD.

I hope you upload!
10/8/2021 c15 Guest
Welp this story dead with no chance of getting finished. I guess I do not blame you if I was dumb enough to do the seal on Goten (or any on non-naruto characters) since that makes everyone think that you plan on nerfing Trunks and Goten (or as certain guests reviewers have said: making them nothing more than slaves). Still, none the less its quite sad that this story will not continue.
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