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11/6/2020 c15 NinjaGod
I wouldn't give ki to sakura, it will only lead to problems. If you really want to do it, don't let her get stronger than sasuke and naruto anyway. let's take muten roshi as an example, it took him decades to learn kamehameha. so please don't let sakura get on teen goku lvl just like that. I also don't understand why Hiruzen is concentrating on the ouzaro when the ssj is a lot stronger?
10/31/2020 c15 guedt
I am lost. Is this chapter suppose to be a flash back or something because I can not tell.
10/31/2020 c9 sirbeto
Wow. This is just sad. Why not tell everyone everything just so Goten and Trunks get nerfed later on because you wanted to make them get the butts kicked by human characters from Naruto so much easily once they learn KI (because idiots forget that humans can't match a saiyans or any non-humans from DBZ becsuse the plot demands it). I bet you made Goten and Trunks stupid because you wanted Orchimaru to go after them and give them curse marks like so manu stupid writers on here do (and by the way, nerfing is a terrible idea for any fanfics that crossover with DBZ).
10/30/2020 c15 guestito
Aw c'mon nerf the saiyans and have them easily lose to everyone in Naruto. I mean, I know you want to so why not just do it and have both those losers from DBZ easily get beat up and have their secrets revealed. Oh, I know, you can the Leaf place a curse seal on them and control them like slaves (heck, I think all dbz characters should be nerf like the the losers they are and have them lose all the time even aginst the weaklings from another universe).
10/30/2020 c3 miketikenike
And there it is. The true face of the Hidden Leaf village (as well as many others but we'll mainly focus on Leaf). They act all kind and loving, pretending to be your best friend. However, in truth they see you as nothing more than a tool to use as they see fit and don't give a damn about your wellbeing. Sure, they are potrayed as the good guys but in truth, that is because we are seeing it from their point of view so of course they'll be seen as the heroes while evrryone else are the "bad guys". Also, does help matters when other characters from other series easily join them because the writers always want the Leaf village to be on top.
10/30/2020 c15 guesttaco
Sigh, please for the love of freaking sanity do not and I do mean not have too many Naruto characters learn Ki otherwise you'll be to predictable. Plus, non-Dragonball learning Ki always end up being written poorly because they somehow can over power a Saiyan (or any non-human) character in a short amount of time just because they can look like a damn threat.

Although, I will give you some credit, at least you used Goten and Trunks because they are the only characters that I know that are stupid enough blab about their abilities (seriously, could ended Buu in theid fusion but the went full stupid on that one).
10/17/2020 c15 Narutofan
Interesting ficc, I recommend touching a subject that nobody touches in these ficcs.

In general, the boys always join the naruto village without much thought, but it would be good to see that they are basically joining a village of mercenaries and contract killers.

I guess Trunks will be the one who realizes this, since in itself it would be interesting to see it, your fiction seems to be out of the basics and at least touches interesting points, as the boys are now going to be trapped maybe decades there now they will have to adapt to the shinobi world.

I wonder what the boys will do if they start to see the reality of the leaf village and the shinobi world in general.
10/14/2020 c15 Guest
I wonder if hiruzen is measuring things well, if the boys realize his attempt at manipulation things can get ugly, since I doubt that the boys take it well to be deceived like that, especially Trunks who is proud not as much as vegeta but it is.

Maybe it would be good for Hiruzen to reconsider many things literally it is impossible for Goten and Trunks to accept being weapons of war just to kill in the name of something as foolish as just being from another country, they in general value all life on earth and defend it equally.

I think Goten and Trunks are going to get a bad surprise when they realize that the village itself is just an overrated mercenary village, since surely they only joined the shinobi thinking that they are like perhaps police from the land of fire, I guess it will be a surprise when they realize that they are hired killers themselves.

Which is obviously going to despise because they obviously hate people who kill others for something as vain as money or power as babidi did with majin buu
10/14/2020 c1 4ntares
Hmm, so Sakura will tapping into ki, I hope it's just her and the usage must be very, very, very limited
10/13/2020 c13 Guest
crossover with RWBY ending up with the akatsuki or piccolo ending in the world of ONE PIECE!
KID BUU ending in the world of WAKFU! what if the buu exploding the time chamber had unforeseen consequences with kaguya and madara!
10/8/2020 c4 6thunderofdeath97
kurenai has black hair though?
10/8/2020 c1 thunderofdeath97
well don't know how you plan to do this, because piccolo, the demi sayains, and the full sayains, along with their fusions would destroy anything and everything, short of a bijuu, and if you go super, then krillin, cyborgs 18, 21, and 17, along with tien and possibly master roshi would destroy everyone as well, thats not counting the likes of the angels, broly, or the gods of destruction, lol still though, great fic and great idea, so far
10/8/2020 c15 Guest
Sasuke was a fool to give up on that idea since Sakura is trying to find a way to do that and I suspect that you can’t use both charka or ki at the same time or she has to give up using charka to use ki.
10/7/2020 c15 Guest
When will you do the next chapter for your DBZ x one piece cross over story
10/7/2020 c14 KeinNiemand
Writing this here because I already reviewed the next chapter.
I'm concerned about what your doing with the oozaru form. First it's part of them not a sperate entity gotten shouldn't be able to talk to/meet his sealed oozaru form it's not a trailer beast. Why do the Ninjas care so much about his Oozaru from when Super Saiyen is a lot stronger (Oozaru is 10x SSJ1 is 50x). I hope this is just the Ninjas somehow misreading gotens memory/mind and mistakingly believing Oozaru is more powerful.
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