Just In
for 23 Cannons: The Victors' Compendium

8/6/2019 c102 10Professor R.J Lupin1
Well, I’m sad to see this amazing story end. But it was a fantastic ride and I’ve really enjoyed reading it. It made me start my own Victors canon because I loved this idea so much and you executed it so well.
I practically started to scream in the middle of a McDonald’s when I saw Dory, Theo and Cynthia in there. RIP to them again.
6/12/2019 c100 3DefoNotAFangirl
I was rooting for Posideon to win! I’m so happy! I can’t believe it’s nearly over, I’m so excited for next chapter haha. But I’m also excited to have this story still remain as ongoing, so take as long as you like lol.
6/5/2019 c100 Marbledcat
I cried at Helini's death. Just so you know, the last time I cried in this story was Pollux's death in the 30th Hunger Games. I liked Poseidon though. Not amazing, but still good.
6/5/2019 c1 Darkdemon27
Great chapter! Posideon was an awesome victor I liked the goodbye he gave Helini
6/5/2019 c100 10TheAmazingJAJ
CONGRATS ON ONE HUNDRED CHAPTERS! I haven't read this one yet because I've stockpiled about twenty chapters up to read on a day I have free time to reward myself because I love this story too much, but I'm really excited for what happens! (And I have a theory for what happens in the finale hehehe)
5/31/2019 c99 2TheProtecterOfHim
yes i would read one sounds fun
5/19/2019 c99 3DefoNotAFangirl
Larke is an LGBT icon and I love her. I’m glad we’re finishing off with a bang at least :p
5/19/2019 c99 4Phoenixure
I’ve been waiting for another District Victor! No spoilers
5/18/2019 c98 Marbledcat
Come to think of it, why was there no mold in the 23rd Games arena?
5/14/2019 c98 3DefoNotAFangirl
I really enjoyed Vine- I found myself hoping he’d win haha :)
5/14/2019 c98 Guest
Anyone else sees the Divergent reference?
5/13/2019 c98 Guest
I think we need another female victor soon
5/9/2019 c97 DefoNotAFangirl
So that’s the end of the Talbot family. Hey, two Victors is more than most get!
5/9/2019 c96 DefoNotAFangirl
Big oof. Diode is great though. Shame it’s ending but it’s still one of the longest stories in the fandom.
5/9/2019 c95 DefoNotAFangirl
RIP Haymitch

Also HEDGES ARE NOT SCARY. I kid, I kid, I just HAD to quote that when you had hedge sculpture mutts. Really creative idea by the way!
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