9/17/2017 c2 1Radio Free Death
You have a good idea here. It's just that you have to put a little more detail to make it work. Right now it's just a rushed telling of Cordin's games and a list of victims hastily slapped on. Don't be afraid to explore the concept.
You have a good idea here. It's just that you have to put a little more detail to make it work. Right now it's just a rushed telling of Cordin's games and a list of victims hastily slapped on. Don't be afraid to explore the concept.
9/15/2017 c3 melliemoo
Sapphire is the perfect blood thirsty Career. She owned the arena and I would have been really disappointed/surprised if she hadn't won.
Sapphire is the perfect blood thirsty Career. She owned the arena and I would have been really disappointed/surprised if she hadn't won.
9/11/2017 c2 imma.catchthe.fire
Cool idea! Never seen anything like the format and style you are going for! Great job!
Cool idea! Never seen anything like the format and style you are going for! Great job!