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for Fallout 4: The Shroud over Quincy

3/24/2020 c1 martens miles
that should have been minutemen quest in the main game. really loved it.
12/17/2018 c1 17Thors Alumni
The one thing that annoys me about quincy and Clint is that there is not a quest to take it back from the gunners in a minute men quest. There isn't even a comment by Preston about killing Clint if he is present when you attack Quincy. That's the only annoying part about that particular part of the game. Thanks for writing this.
1/7/2018 c1 8Legionary
Ohhh! I agree with the first review, Quincy really should have been a Quest with Clint having different reactions to you depending on how far along you rebuilt the Minutemen. This at least gives me some closure on that front
9/12/2017 c1 3MASTER-OF-SUPRISE
This was great. Loved that it was both the Minutmen and the silver shroud that took those gunner assholes out. I honestly think retaking Quincy should have been a quest for the Minutemen.

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