Just In
for Linda's Lecture

4/12/2019 c1 3Lostinthought319
I really liked this story. I've come to ship Wally/Linda pretty hard and I loved how you used Bruce in this story and explained his relationship with Wally. Kudos.
3/20/2018 c1 3clara200
Awww! Way to go Bruce sticking up for Wally.
9/15/2017 c1 yer
I will never understand how getting close to someone somehow is supposed to grant each other an expose on every thought and action. Screw that. My privacy is far more important than any friendship.
9/13/2017 c1 Guest
I loved it! I wish there were more stories like this one!
9/12/2017 c1 theawesomeflash
THIS IS PERFECT! Will there be asecond chapter?

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