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3/19/2020 c1 goldenhue
OMG the feels!
7/27/2019 c1 kanj been
Awe man, that was great story.
5/26/2018 c1 9DaddysLiitleGirl
whyyyyyyyy this is so beautiful, you made me cry huhu
10/24/2017 c1 34DC Watchergirl
This is perfect. :)
10/8/2017 c1 11Queen Hady
This was really lovely and Sweet
9/14/2017 c1 6BruDia
This is perfection! Completely rendering speechles!
Thank you.
9/13/2017 c1 2MissAmelie
oh God
This is ridiculously accurate.
Seduction to the point
light, romantic, relaxed literature

even short text
seems just right

I would ask for more
but then I would be off the scale
9/13/2017 c1 CrazyPhenom
This is exceptionally well written. I really enjoyed the tone throughout the exposition. To the point that I nearly used thoroughly instead of really in the previous sentence :). And the wrap up was the right amount of cute too, the only thing missing was a dry one liner from Alfred really. Also, its always nice to see a comic reader write fics here.

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