Just In
for Morning Stretch

3/19/2020 c1 goldenhue
Beautiful! ;)
9/5/2018 c1 Guest
wonderbat! you should write more
10/1/2017 c1 3Ultimolu
This was really good.
9/15/2017 c1 UtterlyRavishing
I love it! Ohh I can just imagine... :) Thank you so much.
9/13/2017 c1 Guest
Excellent one shot
9/14/2017 c1 6BruDia
More...! please more BMWW fics like this.
so sexy.
Thank you.
9/14/2017 c1 STAR1035
sweeeeeeet :p
9/13/2017 c1 2MissAmelie
oh God
This is ridiculously accurate.
Seduction to the point
light, romantic, relaxed literature

even short text
seems just right

I would ask for more
but then I would be off the scale

(disregard the wrong comment in the other story)
9/13/2017 c1 zenness
I liked it, just enough to go over the edge...well done!

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