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6/27/2020 c1 Guest
It was umm dramatic sad and somewhat enjoyable that Luna hit Lori
2/18/2018 c1 591Exotos135
'Bout timee Lori showed her who's boss! theree was only so much crap anybody wouuld take beforee someone snapped!

oh, and it was sad and all, but honestly, Luan deserved it to an extent.

keep up the good work.
1/10/2018 c1 RandyRichardLoud
Oh my god! Please continue this? I was banned from the subreddit, you better continue this wonderful fanfic!
9/26/2017 c1 Alan Gaming
Okay, it was a good story. I am sorry to say I was expecting Luan's amount of sadness. It was pretty creative. I don't know what to call it, though. It has no name! It was overall good, but not the best thing I've read. I'd give it a 7/10 would read again.
9/21/2017 c1 Guest
Your fanfic is an episode almost! It just came out today! It's called No laughing matter and it said luan overheard the sisters talking about how bad her jokes are! But theres no blood or profanity. But I swear, they must've inspired by this.
9/16/2017 c1 149AberrantScript
Wow, this was tough to read. Really strong emotions and a horrible falling out. You did it well, and that image of a tiny Luan crying struck me hard. I'm hoping you'll continue this. I want to see how (if) they fix things with Luan.

I'll say that it was hard to know who was talking but usually the context helped. It's annoying as a writer to know when to add more cues and when there are too many. But practice makes perfect, they say. Good job!
9/16/2017 c1 13DarthSidious04
Sometimes the truth hurts, Luan...
9/15/2017 c1 79ko777
i could follow it but its hard 2 i hope u update soon. luan is the most adorable 2 me
9/15/2017 c1 Guest
It was kinda of confusing to tell who was talking at some points. And who they were talking to.

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