Just In
for Life in other world (Rewritten)

10/21/2022 c1 PokemonEnjoyer3494
After reading both this story and the original back to back I gotta say you really did improve a lot, both in writing quality and plot quality. Honestly this fic was really interesting. Sad to see this account is inactive now but after reading the authors notes at the end of the chapter I just wanted to say I sincerely hope your doing okay.
2/10/2019 c30 Ol'3lueEyes
I never left the story. I just did not review the other chapters. I still read them.
4/24/2018 c23 Ol'3lueEyes
Is this chapter based on the female umbreon?
4/7/2018 c22 Ol'3lueEyes
I liked Family Issues the best. It shows a softer side to Ethan, that we most likely won't see for a while. It also shows how strong Ethan and Ellen's friendship is.
3/12/2018 c4 7Ultidragonlord
Was that Dragon type in Giratina's FanFiction Kyrem?
3/12/2018 c1 Ultidragonlord
Ummm. Did he just commit suicide? WTF!
3/11/2018 c19 Ol'3lueEyes
I know I may sound a little impatient, but when will my OC make a full appearance?
2/22/2018 c18 Ol'3lueEyes
Aurora borealis at this time of year at this time of day in this part of the country localized entirely within your kitchen? I'm sorry. I jut had to make that joke.
1/30/2018 c3 48WyldClaw
This is such an awesome fanfic
1/30/2018 c1 WyldClaw
Poor Mattheus
1/29/2018 c15 Ol'3lueEyes
Just wondering though. What did the last part mean?
1/7/2018 c14 Guest
Wait... That's DOOM...

Though, I'd love to see Ash Ketchum's or a Poke-human's reaction to a huge, power-armored space Marine ripping a demon's spine out with his bare hands and using it to beat another one to death., my imagination is FUBAR
12/25/2017 c13 Ol'3lueEyes
Isn't based on the Wii game where you take over territory's?
12/4/2017 c11 Ol'3lueEyes
We understand. Everyone gets disorganized sometimes.
11/28/2017 c10 Ol'3lueEyes
I did hear that Cuphead is addictive
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