Just In
for A Poor Sense of Self-Preservation

4/2/2020 c12 3HiddenReaderNinja
I know it's been awhile, but I hope you update this.
2/22/2020 c12 5InkyGryff
Aww...! They're so cute. I really like what you've done with the characters. Does Kylo realize that they're cousins? Awkward... Ha, ha! But, seriously. I like Rey/Poe's relationship. I can't wait to see where you go with this. Thanks for posting!
4/21/2018 c12 DaniMor55
This story is adorable and I need more
2/10/2018 c12 2casedeputy
love it!
2/5/2018 c12 32changing my name for now
awww so sweet I loved this chapter so much please update this story soon, can't wait to see them get back to base
1/30/2018 c11 13kendraleaanne
Gods be damned, this is good. I cannot express to you how much I love Rey and Poe together. There is just not enough of them and you've done an amazing job here. I will be very anxiously awaiting your updates, dear!
1/22/2018 c11 14TheDevilOfSlytherin
I love your fiction and I love this pairing ! I'm very eager to read the next chapters !
1/8/2018 c1 xpurplexbutterflyx
can't he just admit that he loves her.. ahhh Man!
1/4/2018 c11 32changing my name for now
amazing, I loved this chapter and the teases werethe greatest, phenomenal job as per usual can't wait for more
1/4/2018 c1 changing my name for now
I'm trying to read it but there a missing words with all the code please fix
1/4/2018 c11 Angel Delight 88
You may want to repost this chapter. Its filled with code, and I think sentences have been deleted.
1/2/2018 c10 50AnastaziaDanielle
Thanks for sharing! I'm looking forward to your next chapter.
1/2/2018 c10 Emowyen
Loving this story. Can’t wait for an update!
12/29/2017 c10 74Shootingstar7123
This story is absolutely delightful. I love Rey and Poe, Rey's backstory and family. You write the emotions so well! It's a very warm and feeling story.
12/29/2017 c10 32changing my name for now
beautifully written please update soon I need more damerey in my life desperately
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