Just In
for A Life Twice Lived

1/9 c51 Annya87
I've just found this and even if it's been two years since the last update, I very much hope you come back to it and I'm following just in case
12/28/2024 c3 Bronze
I would put this politely but can't spell all the words. So, I'll do this the crude way. The shit's about to hit the fan! And Good Ole Fumblemort has no clue it's coming his way. As such his shield charm won't stop it before it covers him. And that's on top of Dancia meeting Harry and telling him what the old Fraudsters future plans for him are. This throws the whole timeline out the window. It'll really frost the old Fraudster's ass if Harry goes into Slytherin House. It'll be bad enough that Harry knows about both his Godfather and Godmother trying to get him away from the Dursley's but Fumblemort blocking it. This will see Harry not willing to follow or think of the old Fraudster as his Mentor. Both of which Fumblemort is counting on.
12/26/2024 c2 Bronze
Oh, the fun she could have destroying Good Ole Fumblemort's plans! Take Harry from the Dursley's house via House Express and have him examined by a certified Healer from St. Mungo's. That evidence is turned over to the DMLE and the Dursleys are to put it mildly, FUCKED! How would Good Ole Fumblemort explain away all the evidence of abuse with Lucius Malfoy, Narcissa Black Malfoy and Bellatrix Black Lestrange as witnesses to the Healer's examination of Harry James Potter? That would nuke all his plans for Harry's abusive childhood rather nicely. It would make him look Darker than the Dark Lord if he insisted the Dursley go unpunished and Harry returned to their custody. That could also be used as a reason to open the Potters Wills to see what they wished for their son.
12/26/2024 c1 Bronze
Hey, in Harry's defense, he's the son of one Marauder and the Godson of of another. So, of course he's an ass! I also have to agree with both Harry and Draco. Death really has nothing to complain about. He made the Hallows. He said they make the holder of all three the Master of Death. Thus, he brought it on himself. So, suck it up buttercup!
11/25/2024 c51 BeyondTheDive
Absolutely fantastic. More please
11/15/2024 c4 FlawedBauthor
Complain more about insomia as you work on 88 stories, and are too stupid to finish more than a tenth of them.
10/22/2024 c2 40deathgeonous
I miss this fic in particular and all your fic s in general. And I'm kinda wondering just what happened to you. Well anyways, thanks for writing this, and bye for now.
10/22/2024 c51 jaqmaq77
out of 88 stories only 8 compete? sad... so sad. I'm kind of leaning towards not reading any more.

pity really - the ones I've read are so good.
9/29/2024 c21 Cele13hrt
This is probably one of my favorite chapters in this whole story, just FYI.
9/28/2024 c45 Cele13hrt
A multi-verse theory?! Oh, you shouldn't have
9/28/2024 c18 Cele13hrt
Yeah, both Dancia and Draco have MAJOR daddy issues.
8/30/2024 c51 3blackpackager
Damn I devoured this story in a day and half
Is great hopefully we get more someday!
5/27/2024 c36 13Freddie Rindklip
When Dancia stuns Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle; you mentioned possibly exploring it. That would be so cool.
5/27/2024 c1 Freddie Rindklip
Looking forward to this re-read. I hope life has settled down. OT really sucks. When it is Overtime it is bad. When its your Own Time... I have done both. Being paid is preferred - barely.
3/10/2024 c51 VMJ
Well, I just stayed up all night reading this! Great fic, really hope you return to updating it soon! :)
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