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for Boggarts and monsters

1/15 c30 2OmegaChrome
I genuinely want to see Boggartmon used against Voldemort
1/9 c17 BookWorm114ever
Ooh, so the head witch from the wiches by roald dahl. They had me terrified as a child. Also the purebloods reaction to niggles dipiction of witches would be funny.
12/21/2024 c25 Guest
All of these are amazing, I feel like it would be so funny to have a boggart turn into Kevin McAllister bc let's be honest, how many times have we heard people talk about how violent/psychopathic that kid must have been? The wizarding born would be so relieved/confused to have a NORMAL kid show up instead of another demonic creature, only for said kid to cause more nightmares than the rest of them combined
11/16/2024 c30 6c0lasmyl1fe
It was losing his magic if he didn't compete.
8/29/2024 c11 Sukunomo
When I saw inferi I was like 'Regulus wtf are you doing here?! How are you alive!?
8/28/2024 c30 Keronshara
Regarding the Tournament Contract from the book
From Dumbledore: "Once a champion has been selected by the Goblet of Fire, he or she is obligated to see the tournament through to the end. The placing of your name in the goblet constitutes a binding, magical contract."
- Which makes it seem like EVERY SUBMITTED name to the goblet entered that person into a binding, magical contract that they would compete in the tournament if their name was chosen. The names chosen by the goblet were now obligated to complete the champion sections of the contract stating that once selected as champion, they must compete in all tournament tasks.

From Barty Crouch Sr.: "We must follow the rules, and the rules state clearly that those people whose names come out of the Goblet of Fire are bound to compete in the tournament."
-"The rules clearly state" makes it seem like breaking the magical contract of the tournament would put a horrible stain of dishonor on any champion that didn't compete, but not death or loss of magic.

From "Moody"/Barty Crouch Jr.: "You can't leave your champion now. He's got to compete. They've all got to compete. Binding magical contract, like Dumbledore said. Convenient, eh?" ... "It's very simple Karkaroff. Someone put Potter's name in the goblet knowing he'd have to compete if it came out." ... "Maybe someone's hoping Potter iisi going to die for it."
-"Moody" doesn't specify whether the tournament tasks themselves will outright kill Potter or whether someone plans to have Potter seriously injured, or just incapacitated, so that he will be unable to compete in a task or the rest of the tournament & then dies from breaching the contract (or is made vulnerable from loss of magic & therefore easy to kill without any magical protection that stopped Voldemort killing him as a baby).
-"Moody"'s statements are the source of the idea that breaking a magical contract (or at least the tournament contract) kills a person or causes them to lose their magic, which could be immediately lethal (removal of magic is so bodily traumatic a process that it kills or magicals, even squibs & unlike muggles, have magic in every cell & their bodies can not function if all magic [i.e. magical cellular energy] is removed) or terminal if magic is keeping a magical alive (non-magic body can no longer handle currently afflicted diseases, injuries, curses/spells, old age, or magic was required to power life-sustaining magic devices/organ replacements [e.g. magical pacemaker] or sustain Voldemort's magic created body).
8/28/2024 c1 The Wanderer
I love seeing the wizard kids being terrified by Mugler monsters. I would love to see Barry crouch Jr being scared to death
8/17/2024 c19 madnessdownunder2
funny, especially when you remember Gandalf isnt human
8/17/2024 c9 madnessdownunder2
good point about pennywise, but can a bogart take physical form every 27-30 years?
8/17/2024 c8 madnessdownunder2
well he had to turn up sooner or later. Nice
8/17/2024 c7 madnessdownunder2
dont ask muggle borns about fear, this is hilarious. Good work
7/29/2024 c30 Guest
I laughed SO HARD at this like oh my goodness all your stories are awesome
6/5/2024 c18 mkoepp63026
lololol! this is sooo good! i thought the Angels was the best the Jumanji showed up!
5/18/2024 c30 Human
Will this be continued? Because if so you should do the clown from inside out.
5/17/2024 c19 Human
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