Just In
for Revival

5/16/2024 c34 Paladin Bailey
Welcome back! Glad to see you posting again after 4 years. Another good chapter as always.
Hope to see more soon.
5/14/2024 c1 wearedeadpool
pretty good start.
12/6/2019 c33 cameron
NOOOO! i need to know what happens to nora...
4/7/2019 c33 Paladin Bailey
What a chapter! You make this fanfic like a blockbuster hit! Keep it up, always happy to see new chapters. Ad Victoriam!
3/25/2019 c32 Guest
Muy buena historia .aunque me dio pena lo de encanta tu interpretaciĆ³n de los personajes.
2/27/2019 c32 Paladin Bailey
Huh so Danse is Elder of the Brotherhood of Steel, still hopefully the Brotherhood will change for the better or at the least Nora will have a bigger voice within the military (Suprised she isn't a Star Paladin or at the least Paladin Commander, after that ordeal). First things first: Since the Brotherhood of Steel is led by a Synth now, 2 things: Cease hostilities with the Railroad (If possible) both have the same enemies after all. 2: Create a treaty between the Brotherhood of Steel, Minuitemen and Railroad under a single banner, after all if the Brotherhood of Steel is to rebuild society they need to form a unified government/military force to do so especially if that means the Brotherhood is staying in the Commonwealth, having the Minuitemen and Railroad as allies would be a good start. Ok make this #3: If Deacon is to be believed there's more Synths in the Brotherhood of Steel, perhaps Danse should get them to openly embrace their true identities without issues?
Just some quality of life suggestions is all.

Anyways keep it up! Always enjoying new chapters 100%.
2/27/2019 c32 DragonLady10
Yaaaaay! It's about time! Please write more! After all, there's still the Institute to deal with! :D LOL
2/21/2019 c31 Paladin Bailey
Damn... Disappointed to see Maxon die but at least he died protecting those he cared about, not completely suprised since this is the direction you were taking all along (Nora getting promoted to Paladin instead of staying as a Knight, you did it more realistically)

Huh, 'Semper Invicta' perk makes it seem like Nora will be leading her own strike force, since she'll obviously be placed as Elder due to her accomplishments I imagine she'll probably turn the Brotherhood around, have it focus on its true goals: Rebuilding civilization no matter the cost. After all the Brotherhood of Steel has been collecting technology for 200 years, it's time they used that to help reform society, to help rebuild post-War America. The Institute is a obvious threat but those who wish to repent/make amends would make excellent Scribes.

Keep it up!
Let's see how it goes!
2/18/2019 c30 DragonLady10
Finally! Now, hurry and write the next chapter! :)
2/17/2019 c30 Paladin Bailey
Ah Blind Betrayal. Well here's hoping Maxon doesn't go all batshit crazy. Hopefully with Nora's influence Maxon will do things right.
Fuck protocol, the Brotherhood of Steel needs to change for the better or else they'll end up just like their parent chapters out west. If the Brotherhood are to build a nation they need to ally themselves with the Commonwealth factions, they need to win the hearts and minds of the civilian population and make a true difference, even if that difference is accepting the fact Danse is a Synth, not a Institute spy but a Synth who's a damn good soldier and a valuable asset, one that if lost will fracture the Brotherhood of Steel as a whole and descend into civil war. Even the Brotherhood hardliners have to realize that things need to change after all: If not the Brotherhood; then who?
2/5/2019 c29 1rarity12354
What the f $k?! Since when does FO4 have a maximum level?! Also, after the main story, are you gonna do Nuka World or Far Harbor?
1/25/2019 c29 1CutusLupus
This chapter was like a sitcom!
1/25/2019 c16 Guest
Hah. Nice little detail on the last question for Danse.

I hope you can do Confidence Man and the Silver Shroud quests as well sometime. I love those two so much.
1/24/2019 c29 Paladin Bailey
Hopefully Maxon won't go full on crazy when *ahem* the Institute's data gets decrypted. On the other hand Nora has supporters, a lot of supporters. I'm not suprised Proctor Teagan is one them. Sure he may be a bit shady but he actually cares. Nonetheless hopefully a coup doesn't happen, because if it does it'll ruin the East Coast Brotherhood of Steel and their chances for rebuilding post-War America.

Keep it up!
1/24/2019 c29 Guest
They all sound like they need a good nap!

Can't wait to read the next part!
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