Just In
for Revival

1/10/2019 c28 Guest
Poor Nora. That part of the game was always heartbreaking for me.
1/3/2019 c27 Paladin Bailey
Fantastic chapter as always!
Huh her promotion to Paladin could actually prove to be extremely useful especially if Nora wants the Brotherhood of Steel to change their ways about Synths.
I can definitely see a potential permanent alliance between the Brotherhood of Steel, Minuitemen and Railroad. They both have one thing in common: The Institute is their enemy.

Keep it up.
Ad Victoriam.
12/23/2018 c26 Paladin Bailey
Ehh I'm iffy about the Railroad. Truthfully: They can prove to a be a very invaluable ally to the Brotherhood of Steel and Minuitemen especially with their Covert Ops and decoding.
But that's only if the Brotherhood of Steel is willing to change which is possible.
The Minuitemen could potentially merge the Railroad as their Counter Intelligence Division which could greatly help the Commonwealth rebuild society.
Only time will tell I suppose.
Keep it up!
11/22/2018 c24 Guest
Dans e and Nora are meant to be together!
11/17/2018 c1 Guest
When Nora decided to throw plans out of the way and get Cait killed, I was very pissed off. Then everyone sitting around being sad, except Danse. He was angry, rightfully so. And I felt it. His cold harsh words made sense and honestly, I fucking loved this chapter, killed off my favourite F04 character and had someone I could relate to. That’s a good sign of a good author. Keep it up mate
11/16/2018 c23 1CutusLupus
I don't usually comment on fanfics, but I just want to say this is the only one that has ever made me cry. It just made me emphasize with the made main character, while still seeing the others point of view. Not many fanfiction, heck even books, can pull that off.
Great chapter.
11/6/2018 c22 DragonLady10
Nicely done!
10/27/2018 c21 BelieverofManyThings
Fantastic chapters :)
10/23/2018 c21 Guest
EEEeeee! Poor Nora! Please keep it up! I love the interaction between her and Danse!
10/22/2018 c21 Paladin Bailey
Hmm with Nora possibly getting promoted she might be able to lead her own fireteam.
Danse might be Star Paladin? I mean he's one of Maxon's best field officers so it would make sense. He would in actual military ranking structure be: Colonel? Sentinel is Brigadier General and Elder is clealclearly General.

I'm suprised the Brotherhood of Steel hasn't reverted back to pre-War U.S. Army ranks for it's infantry since they call the Enclave 'traitorous group of rebels' so that would mean the Brotherhood of Steel is starting to think itself as the successor of the United States military.
Makes sense, after all they have a actual government in the Capital Wasteland and are it's armed forces, 'Capital Republic' has a nice ring to it huh.

Keep it up!

(Side notes: The B.E.T.A. for Fallout 76 begins tonight for Xbox One, I wonder if you'll do a Fallout 76 fanfic, since the Brotherhood of Steel are in the story some way or another [Dead but you know radio communications with Lost Hills is definitely possible] the Vault Dwellers will either take up the Brotherhood's mantel and create a chapter of their own [If they are able to receive orders from High Elder [General] Roger Maxon] I can definitely see it be amazing.
Or better yet: Since it's online with friends maybe potenonally create a YouTube series of it [basically Role-playing your character in detail]
I would definitely be honored to join in and help out.)

Anyways keep it up, you're getting better and better with this story!
8/5/2018 c20 Guest
Enjoying the story so far!
8/3/2018 c20 53Angry lil' elf
Good chapter and story you have here, I haven't been officially following this but I've read bits of it here and there. There are some things about this story that I wouldn't have gone myself such as Nora joining the Brotherhood of Steel as my SS joins the Railroad and the Minutemen, but you gave your reasons for Nora joining the Brotherhood and it seems you're building something of a romance between Nora and Paladin Danse which makes me wonder when the truth comes out about Danse how Nora will react; will she hunt Danse down and kill him for being a Synth? Or convince Maxson to let him go? I get the feeling that Nora will convince Maxson to let Danse go and given how the Brotherhood turned against one of their own, it makes me feel that Nora will join the Minutemen or the Railroad as both factions aren't as likely to turn on their own members.

But anyway, it's a good story you have here and while there are things in this story I don't agree with, it is your story so you write it how you want to :-).

I should also let you know that I am working on a Elder Scrolls(Skyrim)/Fallout crossover in which the Dragonborn/Dovahkiin ends up in the Fallout universe. I already have one published but I set it in Fallout 4's Far Harbor and to be honest I haven't played much of the Far Harbor storyline as Gravy Boat/Preston Garvey constantly needs me to babysit settlements, that's one thing that annoys me about the Minutemen, endless settlement quests... but regardless, I am working on rewriting my current Elder Scrolls/Fallout crossover and having the Dragonborn end up in the Commonwealth as I had written so many rough drafts of the Dragonborn in the Commonwealth instead of the Far Harbor storyline. If you want to discuss this idea in greater detail, feel free to PM me :-D I'd be glad to discuss ideas with you and I can even share some of those rough drafts with you if you wish to see them.

But I am rambling...

Anyways, good work so far and I look forward to seeing more :-D

Best wishes,

Angry lil' elf.
6/19/2018 c19 Blaze1992
I think I throw up in my mouth a little.
6/18/2018 c19 Paladin Bailey
Very ironic about how Nora is finally figuring it out lol.
If McCready can be slowly swayed to trust the Brotherhood more then there's a chance he'll be able to finally find a real purpose in life.
I mean Piper is trusting the Brotherhood slightly more and in game she's vocal about her dislike about them all because of the rumours.
Anyways let's see how McCready and Danse hit it off!
Will they insult each other or become friends?
Also I knew it!: Piper/Danse ship!
Nora/McCready ship?
6/9/2018 c18 Blaze1992
Well glad to see the cure is able to be saved also that she has a force to command when the BOS betray her later on.
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