Just In
for Revival

4/29/2018 c14 Paladin Bailey
I honestly don't understand why most people don't like Proctor Teagan for, sure he wants soldiers to get food from local farms but honestly requisition like that has been in use by military forces for hundreds if not thousands of years, sadly not many people read 'Sun Tzu Art of War', well not many civilians that is.
What I'm trying to say: Not everything is black and white, sometimes to do the right thing you need to be a bit grey.
As for Piper being the way she is about the Brotherhood of Steel, all she knows about the Brotherhood are rumors and nonsense. Yes the Brotherhood may be gruff towards civilians at times but isn't every military in the world that way too?
It's a hostile environment with not many friendlies so of course the Brotherhood would be the way they are, now if Piper gotten hands on experience with the Brotherhood (Being a civilian reporter, a Combat Correspondent) maybe then she would print out what's it's like in the Brotherhood armed forces. Have her join up with Nora and Paladin Danse, have Danse teach her how to properly use weapons and basic first aid, a feel for what it's like in the military rather then the biased way she claims the Brotherhood are.
After all 3 people are better then 2.
Plus this would be a golden opportunity for Piper, after all Nora and Danse are going after the Institute so it would give her much needed coverage on the war that's happening.
4/21/2018 c13 Paladin Bailey
I wish Bethesda would've kept the Brotherhood rank perks... :/
Anyways fantastic chapter!
Almost entirely like reading a military novel, really enjoying this especially the longer chapters.
So Nora and Danse are a 2 manned Special Operations team?
Wonder what assignment Maxon will give them, obviously it'll be about finding the Institute, hopefully when Nora gets promoted to Knight Captain she'll have her own squad, that and would be a good choice because realistically traveling the Commonwealth with just Paladin Danse would still warrent danger, having him and 2 other soldiers would be much better.
(Hopefully when Maxon finds out about Danse's identity he won't go all ballistic like in vanilla Fallout 4, he isn't a bad leader at all, just needs a little bit of a shove in the right direction to get him to make the right choice.)
Ad Victoriam!
4/11/2018 c12 2Leviathansfist
I have been enjoying the tweaks and changes in the story that you have been developing. Seeing Nora a little more developed is a nice change. The insights into the thought is a good hook. I was pondering writing something and this was one of the stories that convinced me to do so. So, thank you and keep up the good work!

"Ja tilko jestem tu po piwo." - My motto.
4/10/2018 c12 Paladin Bailey
Well the Brotherhood seems a bit friendlier, although a bit standoffish which is honestly acceptable because Nora just became a full member of the Brotherhood of Steel so of course she won't get special treatment just like how it is in the U.S. Army.
I believe Elder Maxon do truly care about the people of the Commonwealth, doublely so when it comes to his soldiers. Sure they may be gruff towards civilians at times but that's just like how it is in the U.S. military when you are deployed in a hostile location with few friendlies in the area.
Hopefully when Nora becomes a high rank in the Brotherhood she'll lead her own special forces unit. I can definitely see a joint Brotherhood/Minutemen special operations squad in the works, it's a high possibility.
Ad Victoriam!
4/3/2018 c11 Paladin Bailey
So in this AU version of Fallout 4 Shaun was taken 10 years prior rather then 60 years? And the Brotherhood of Steel are a bit like the NCR?
I kinda like that better: General Maxon sounds a hell of a lot better then 'Elder'. Knightly ranks as titles and military ranks as well military ranks.
So whoever is leading the Institute is mostly going to completely bullshit Nora.
Glad that the Brotherhood has arrived.
Hopefully their stance on Synths is more justified rather then outright hostility.
Nick is a prime example of how Synths can contribute to humanities survival.
Ad Victoriam!
3/16/2018 c10 Paladin Bailey
So Nora finally kills Kelogg... Cereal :D
And we learn that the Commonwealth actually know about the NCR, seriously why is that Nick is the only one who has a file about them yet no one else seems to acknowledge their existence in game? By 2287 you would think the NCR would have at least a squad of Army troopers and Veteran Rangers in the area, it's not hard to believe at all.
Anyways let's see if the Brotherhood of Steel can put up some civil order and safety in the Commonwealth once they arrive, hopefully by then Nora will have the Minuitemen at least ready to retake the Castle. Personally I think the Minutemen would fit perfectly for the Brotherhood's National Guard instead of just a bunch of pissant farmers who are poorly equipped/trained.
2/19/2018 c9 Paladin Bailey
God knows why she decides to rescue Rex Goodman while she's supposed to hunt down Mr Corn-flakes. (By the way there's a mod that turns Kelogg into a literal box of Keloggs Cereal xD)
Hopefully the Brotherhood will be able to help her get through the mess she's in once reinforcements arrive.
1/17/2018 c8 Paladin Bailey
Well you nailed Rhys character to a t.
Glad you are keeping everything as it is in lore.
Keep up the great work.
Ad Victoriam!
1/1/2018 c6 Blaze1992
Okay I am really confused and very unsure to continue reading this.

1st You have the lovable dog-meat run off.
2nd You have her refuse helping the settlers/minute-men in her hurry to "find" her kid even though she was cryo after his kid-napping.
3rd You have her go out of her way to find dead people and then join up with the "false" brother-hood, but she's supposed to be in a rush to save/find her kid.
12/30/2017 c7 Paladin Bailey
Glad to see that Paladin Brandis is back with the Brotherhood, hopefully unlike vanilla Fallout 4 he'll appear in more Brotherhood operations.
I'm a side note I doubt Piper will appreciate finding out Nora is with the Brotherhood of Steel, although she isn't completely anti-Brotherhood, she considers them a lesser evil compared to the Institute.
On another note let's hope Nora can bridge an alliance with the Brotherhood of Steel and Minuitemen, after all both groups are trying to rebuild civilization, hell both groups are honestly the closest to a government/real military force the east coast has unlike out west where it's mostly peaceful due to the NCR. Which brings me to my point: The Institute claiming humanity is doomed is completely moot because groups like the NCR and Brotherhood of Steel are actually saving humanity or at the very least the population of post war continental America (U.S., Mexico, Canada) from extinction.
Ad Victoriam/Semper Invicta.
12/19/2017 c6 1NukaNiche
Decent story, and it follows Canon
12/18/2017 c6 1InsanitysGrace
Love this! Keep up the great work and can't wait for the next chapter.
12/1/2017 c4 Spartan1725
I'm impressed I've been waiting for someone to make a novelized version of the game this is AWESOME please complete the story and get it published
11/30/2017 c6 6WhiffleWaffles
How will she handle synths? This is cool!
11/30/2017 c6 Paladin Bailey
So she finds the Brotherhood of Steel and our badass Paladin (Who is honestly my favorite vanilla Fallout 4 companion) hopefully she'll tell Danse about Paladin Brandis' situation soon after the OP at the facility is concluded.
Keep it up!
And "try" to make the chapters a bit longer, just saying.
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