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for Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS: Hidden Memories

1/15 c5 Guest
I like your fanfic
1/11 c79 x
we now have an actual yugioh card named after the demon Zahak...
unfortunately, it's for rush duels
10/2/2024 c79 30Cdswalkthrough
You're responding to reviews again?
9/21/2024 c78 Guest
If Go kept his dinowrestler deck would be cool to see him vs Goldie's Holozoic beasts.

Maybe Soulburner vs Diana since both use animal themed decks?
9/21/2024 c1 T.V. 2000
9/19/2024 c79 Unnamed
Something also to take note of for Specter last chapter this is the SECOND time he lost to an ignis, the first being Lightning wonder if he may have thoughts about this humbling experience and to fail Revolver even more so (given Lightning also used him as a shield his own tactic he used against Playmaker)

Also Ai duelling Pandor is actually one of the few real world duels we got in the anime. Wonder if we may see more. Also the fact real explosions occurred and Pandor got destroyed wonder if that was real damage?
9/19/2024 c79 FlameFireZero X
The Link Trap Card that appeared in this chapter was surprising and unexpected which was Awesome. I’m surprised the Canon didn’t make a Link Trap and just only made a Link Spell. Also I think all of Goldie’s Ace Monsters are Great. And also Amazing chapter you did and take care.
9/18/2024 c78 9HunterHQ
Looking at characters like Bohman and Lightning when normally calm but when pushed into a corner they exert effort after feeling urgency and desperation I hope to see what it’s like for Jormangand and the other evil villains of Ouroboros. Those who desire to inflict terror and despair on others better be prepared to face it themselves

Still above all I feel out of everyone Ai and Goldie have the greatest desire to win, after all the hard choices make the strongest wills and no one here is making harder choices than them. Therefore one reason heroes win usually because they have the strongest wills and desires over the villains.

I feel Ouroboros will need time to get to them physcially now and time to find them so Ai better make use of this window of chance.

Maybe someone has to physically infiltrate Alba Research?
9/16/2024 c79 Unknown








Fact they are the same summoning method Ai used for his representations a coincidence? Ai copied Goldie or she copied him?

Wonder why no pendulums. Ai being the only jurassic dino wonder if Goldie has a triassic dinosaur.

I feel Ai could have maybe gone to Akira at his home while he's asleep and get him. Hope we hear their explanation.

Also if Hitomu was alive wonder what his justification for his actions are.
9/17/2024 c79 2Ethan Kironus
So their plan is more than a little different this time, and it's serious enough to be a real problem for Jormungand. That's good. Canon felt a little too simple. There's also still the return of Morningstar that's been set up-Ai and Goldie's remarks at the end hint that it might be key to their plan given the mention of "begging for forgiveness," but there has to be more to it than that.

Once again though, the fact that you dump at least a half-dozen new cards on us in every duel asserts itself. I know the anime isn't dissimilar, but given that this isn't a visual medium where you can just show us how all these new cards look, they blend together to the point of meaninglessness. It also makes the duels extremely bland; this part is more my subjective taste, but the back-and-forth holds little weight when it's almost all on the backs of custom cards we've never seen before. It's certainly to your credit that you've developed so many custom cards, but they've become impossible to tell apart.

That custom archetype Haru used in the last arc with the Pendulums or whatnot was certainly interesting; the Cyangels and Cydemons are also distinct enough to remain memorable. Those custom Guardian cards the security AI used at the start of this arc, also stand out. The novelty of reviving old cards offset the custom fatigue.
9/17/2024 c79 Dante687
Great chapter
9/16/2024 c79 Ambiguous
I have to wonder for those defeated and unconscious like the Hanoi, Blood Shepherd and Ghost Girl for instance what will happen to their bodies in the real world hope they are attended to.

Would Ai be able to send clones into Soltis while he is in the network, or vice versa when he is in the real world he sends clones in the network?

Goldie she can do the same?

The Enforcers am sure some may have morals, principles or pride they won't compromise on and it could get in the way of the mission or are they perfectly capable of putting that aside? Still they are human and capable of making mistakes too. Jormangand isn't perfect either can have oversights himself.
9/16/2024 c79 Anonymous
Ai purged Jormangand's programs but couldn't he also study and reverse engineer them or use them to evolve himself? Or even retrace them back to where he was observing everything?

How exactly is Jormangand seeing Akira and Aoi if his link is cut off?

Wonder if Pandor could block off Jormangand like she did Ai.
9/16/2024 c79 4L4S1N3ZZ-RUL3Z
Hope you update "Fifth Circuit" soon. Also, since it seems that Jormungand is up to something, do you plan on Ouroboros making a surprise attempt along with some major revelations in the next few chapters?
9/16/2024 c79 9HunterHQ
Can Ai just take the code key out of Akira’s duel disk without a duel?

If Ai logs in the others to see him wont Jormangand be able to track him again afger he sees what the others see?

Wonder what happens to the last Pandor copy after Revolver lets her go.

Lilith will be sad to hear her uncle unconscious for sure.
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