Just In
for Tony Stark's Little Girl

5/4/2023 c55 5zealous soul
lol...this is getting soooo exciting...please update soon...cant wait for the next chapter..
5/4/2023 c54 Dasgun
5/3/2023 c55 HisSecretLover18
Great chapter! Can't wait to see what happens next
5/3/2023 c55 Seahorses123
Nice to see you back very good chapter hope to read more soon
10/26/2022 c53 1Dreaming Haven
Good update! I’m still wondering how long it will be till Tony finds out that Kagome is with Logan. I just wonder if he’ll find out from her or the media. Eventually some camera man is going to see her with him.” Tony Starks daughter dating a man her fathers age,” or something like that!;) lol
Anyway I look forward to the next one!
10/17/2022 c53 NicoleR85
Another great chapter.
10/17/2022 c53 HisSecretLover18
Oh yay! Twins! Great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next
10/16/2022 c53 slvrphoenx
Great update. I’m so happy Tony and Nodoka are have twins. Can’t wait to see how the kids react. Also liked seeing Rogue, Piotr, Kagome and Logan just spending time together with each other and Sota. Really enjoyed reading this update and look forward to reading the next update when you have time.
9/14/2022 c21 2kirosyamcha
Not really a fan of this is a Kagome/Logan pairing. He is like a century and a half older than her and actually looks it.
7/31/2022 c52 NicoleR85
Another great chapter.
7/31/2022 c52 BIRD0FHERMES
I just started reading this story, and next thing I know I’m on the last chapter! Great story and I can really see just how much your writing has improved from the first chapter
7/30/2022 c52 lady sesshomaru sama 949
I wonder how she's going to reveal to him/ family that's going to be interesting can't wait to read more
7/25/2022 c51 1Dreaming Haven
Loved that we got Logan/Kagome time, just wish we had more of it!:( Oh well, I guess we must wait till next time.
7/25/2022 c51 lady sesshomaru sama 949
awesome can't wait to read more
7/25/2022 c51 NicoleR85
Another great chapter. I love how Kagome and Logan are with each other. I can't wait to read what happens next.
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