Just In
for Tony Stark's Little Girl

7/24/2022 c51 HisSecretLover18
Great chapter. Can't wait to see what happens next
7/24/2022 c5 10Plumalchemyst
I just thought about it and kagome and the others were kinda like a feudal era version of the avengers I’m kinda hoping inuyasha finds his way to the future now
6/3/2022 c50 5Dark Neko 7000
What will happen next time
5/13/2022 c22 17d'elfe
Ahaha, Kagome gets away from Inuyokai only to fall for a feral She has something for fluffly hair !
5/17/2021 c50 Ceps
50 chapters of fluff is boring
4/30/2021 c1 Guest
Love this story hope to see more from this I also love your other avengers inuyasha story unexpected love and hope to see more from that too I love tony/kagome stories no matter if it is like this with her being his daughter or the other with her being his lover but the latter with them as lovers seems more rare and I would like to see more
3/25/2021 c50 onakan
will wait forever for thas ngl
2/24/2021 c50 1inuyasha16451
Awesome chapter
2/24/2021 c3 lonewolf420
Ok I'm interested in how this is going to cross over. Will wolverine actually be Inuyasha who just don't remember who he was before he was Logan? If the only connection to Inuyasha series is that its Kagome as his daughter then why pick her? This will be something worth reading at least for a while.
2/14/2021 c50 1Dreaming Haven
Enjoyed the update! Hope she tells her dad soon. I’m really looking forward to that.;)
2/14/2021 c50 slvrphoenx
i love this update. so glad Kagome is still getting to spend time with Logan. I'm curious how Tony will react when Kagome introduces Logan to Tony. Also wondering how the Avengers will come in to play if they will at all. looking forward to the next update.
2/14/2021 c50 Frog
Thanks for the update!
I really look forward to reading more,
Sincerely Frog
2/14/2021 c50 M.v.j.M
Ya an update! I really enjoyed this chapter
2/14/2021 c50 NicoleR85
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next. Please update soon.
1/10/2021 c49 Anglebear 951
I think you should type in a chapter what happens Toni and her mother come back does kagome our parents that she is dating Logan from the x-Men
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