Just In
for Tony Stark's Little Girl

10/1/2017 c4 Wicked.Onna
Nice going to cail instead of NY nice move, love how Tony reacted to finding out and can't wait for your next update
10/1/2017 c4 51Demoness
This is so good! Keep it up!
10/1/2017 c3 KEZZ 1
i am looking forward to reading more
10/1/2017 c3 Wicked.Onna
I do really like this story, I see something that could brilliant and can't wait for your next update.
10/1/2017 c3 NicoleR85
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read how Tony will react to being a father. Please update soon.
10/1/2017 c3 ricebunny88
Another great chapter! Wondering how you will portray the inevitable meeting between Tony and Kagome
10/1/2017 c2 21CallaRose4ever
I am so excited to see this story. I am really looking forward to seeing what happens. I really hope you continue this through to the end, and maybe write a sequel. looking forward to more.
10/1/2017 c2 o0-SilverMoon-0o
This is really interesting! I can't wait to read more!
10/1/2017 c2 NicoleR85
I love the new story. I can't wait to read what happens next. Please update soon.
10/1/2017 c2 Wicked.Onna
Great chapter can't wait for your next update this was so well written
9/30/2017 c1 ricebunny88
I just love InuyashaxAvenger crossovers! I can't wait to see how the plot develops
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