Just In
for Tony Stark's Little Girl

12/16/2020 c49 Weebwithnowill
I love this story! I hope you update soon
11/21/2020 c49 allyfairyboo
I love This book
10/31/2020 c49 m1m1
I would like to read more please?
10/27/2020 c49 1inuyasha16451
Loved it
10/13/2020 c49 Applejax XD
yayz, what a great wedding XD
10/5/2020 c18 silver.blast96
This is so gross. First of all Logan is sooooo much older than her it’s disgusting to even think about. Like she JUST turned 18... Dude
9/18/2020 c49 2grimmich
I like the story but its kinda starting to feel 'dirty secret' the way she isnt telling her dad about logan, almost everyone else who matters knows so what is she waiting for?
9/18/2020 c45 grimmich
...why is kagome still hiding her relationship? I thought she decided they would tell her father after the rest of the family moved to NY so he couldnt send her back to japan... It just doesnt make sense to hide it anymore because as it is she wont get to see logan for long stretches of time.
9/18/2020 c42 grimmich
Ummm i thought prof. Was the first to know... In fact he was the first to approve...
9/17/2020 c13 grimmich
Ummmm shes used to demon speed while only holding on with her legs why does tonys driving scare her?
9/15/2020 c49 YukinaBlueRose
I LOVE this story! OXD
Thank you SO MUCH for updating! OXD
(I'm a little sad that this isn't updated on Archive of Our Own, since I prefer that site over this one, but I'm REALLY happy that this was updated!)
9/15/2020 c49 NicoleR85
Another great chapter. I can't wait to read what happens next.
8/6/2020 c21 3Grimmideals
Kagome's type: Jackass immortals with gruff attitude and a flair for killing.
8/6/2020 c12 Grimmideals
Yay! Comic book Pepper!
4/25/2020 c12 BoricuaBookworm
That’s my birthday!?
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