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for Butterbeer, Bollocks and a Ball

7/2/2024 c1 Guest
For such a short story it's pretty good
2/14/2024 c1 pix25
8/27/2023 c1 felipe444
Pretty funny short story. Great work!
5/7/2023 c1 1thevolunteerman
I’d curse him too. A 14 year old and a twelve year old is pretty bad.
9/18/2022 c1 Erditse
I enjoyed that hope it goes into a story but as a one-shot I’d accept it too
12/9/2021 c1 sanbeegoldiewhitey
Just one sentence more for a better ending - Daphne hexing Finnigan's balls again in to tweezers!
9/26/2021 c1 40Concolor44
That was great! Thanks!

Adding to Favorites.
9/6/2021 c1 1rey29
This is a fun read. I think you have done good fleshing out the characters
7/24/2021 c1 serialkeller
This was hilarious!
7/21/2021 c1 ILikeCrack
Seamus is going to die off screen, isn't he?
7/7/2021 c1 7Camillus Seth
Sisters are Sacred Saints
5/14/2021 c1 62Stormshadow13
4/29/2021 c1 COELACANTH
Now this entire story was hilarious — top to bottom!
2/2/2021 c1 4fundaore
1/22/2021 c1 Alien52332
Loved it. Thanks.
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