Just In
for Revolutionize

1/2 c21 Byayan
I love this story so much, if the author ever reads this, thank you!
5/22/2024 c2 eepycommentor
"le sigh" is my favorite thing to say
2/13/2024 c21 5J-More
All my love and support for this author and this amazing story, is sad we didn't get to see Himiko joining the league, yet such a great fanfic, just Wow.
9/13/2023 c18 phosphophillite49
Gotta love anime human biology
9/12/2023 c8 phosphophillite49
I like OP, bring it on !
3/26/2023 c21 inochello
Thank you for this fic, I hope it continues someday as My Hero Academia is recently popular again. Probably due to the new season.
10/6/2022 c21 118sprar1
I loved this story I hope it can still up date but if not thanks for posting it also give her a dream about the sunset ginjutsu that guy and lee do
8/5/2022 c21 DecayedAsh
hey, do you have any recommendations for stories the same like this?
6/11/2022 c21 Guest
I need new chapter :"v
4/21/2022 c3 Ninelotus
Thought this was gonna be interesting by the description. Turns out you made Toga follow Izuka and All Might around like a third wheel. So in the end, Izuku is still the MC, and it's just from this AU Toga's perspective. Nothing new.
1/21/2022 c21 2Gerhman Remington
this is soooooo good I hope you get the chance to update this.
10/12/2021 c21 iSee21
this is amazing hope you can update soon
10/12/2021 c17 iSee21
oh damn
8/29/2021 c21 Nixolas Zinn
Life sucks, hope you post more soon
8/29/2021 c17 Nixolas Zinn
And suddenly I feel like dropping, yeah no, I dislike multiple 'time traveler'/ 'otherworlders', and just... haaaaa
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