Just In
for Sleeping with the Enemy

6/8/2020 c7 Syeran
Oh please oh please finish. I know it's been a few years but as you said there are so few good B/V fics out there and yours is so good. So again please finish.
4/20/2013 c7 Golden-Lou
I enjoyed it
4/20/2013 c4 Golden-Lou
Love it
4/19/2013 c3 Golden-Lou
4/19/2013 c1 Golden-Lou
Great start
7/18/2008 c1 satrh
China called, they want their wall back.
6/5/2007 c7 4DBZ maineak
yo that was cool.!. the only thing that was hard to under stand was wen you put the song up. Other than that (with im not saying was bad) it was ASOME! and i cant wait tell the next chap! :p
1/28/2004 c7 Snowstalker of MC
That was realy good! You got the charactors down perfectly! Please finish ^_^! (Oh, and please keep it pretty clean.)
6/24/2003 c7 5vaguely-amused24
other than a few spelling slip ups wonderful story
5/13/2003 c7 2BigNamekianBallz
Alright now the good stuff will begin now that Bulma and Yamcha have officially broken up.
4/15/2003 c7 Lexicon Devil

I ve just added your story to my favourite list.

This is simply great! *picofcheeringcrowd*
4/4/2003 c7 1waterprincess

awesome story!

i love it!~

keep writtin


4/3/2003 c7 1gossamerdragon
Cool chapter, i'm glad Bulma finally got over Yamcha. I really hope Yamcha gets beat up by Vegeta.
4/2/2003 c5 4Lynx Gunning
Gah! The run-on sentences! the run-on sentences! Run for your lives!

Oh. . . sorry. But, just a point: lots of run-on sentences. its kinda hard to follow. hehe. . . :looks up terrified as Noble threatens to hit me over the head with an iron skillet: *squeak* !
3/23/2003 c6 2BigNamekianBallz
You got a good story going on here. I love how Vegeta is way rude and mean.
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