Just In
for Blaze

9/18/2024 c13 4ElementalDrift
Please update
12/25/2023 c13 ethan11232002
Trully an interesting listen sad to see it discontinued
12/18/2023 c1 1bibink729
11/20/2023 c13 Guest
Do more
10/2/2023 c13 Guest
when you gonna update again love the fanfic
9/14/2023 c13 J
Actually appreciate all the work you've done so far so I really wish you can continue this series and bring up next chapter soon so yeah I can't wait to see it but you're right for the next chapters
9/13/2023 c13 StealthyDemocracy369
please, next chapter...
3/14/2023 c13 2Exodia3215
Awesome story so far! Hope u can update soon!
12/25/2022 c12 Magnuserro Dracodeus
Barry doesn't deserve Caitlin not only that but he is by far the most annoying character in the entire show. I know you already said that Naruto and Caitlin wouldn't be the pairing and that's fine, you're the author, but that's the best Naruto/Flash(Arrowverse) crossover pairing in my opinion. Pairing Caitlin with Barry isn't a story killer but I personally will be skipping over any of those "Snowbarry" moments.
8/11/2022 c2 SSDreadnought
Not worth going past two for me. This fear of women people put into characters is sad.
7/5/2022 c13 Maelstrom123
Continue please
4/1/2021 c1 cosmicuni
"a very hot babe." lol come on stop describing every woman he meets. it's creepy.
3/16/2021 c4 8fcrawfordtvd
fcrawfordtvd. I think that Naruto should end up with either Thea or Oliver... simply because I think that they would be a good match for him
3/15/2021 c13 cassnova5424
good shit this is, wish there was more i do
3/15/2021 c8 cassnova5424
actually worst case is a mountain sized bijuu with the speedforce...
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