Just In
for Gravity Series 5: Heaven & Earth

1/19 c35 Andii
Hello there! a Few days ago I came back to this story (of course I already read the others) but I wasn't finish this one, so... here I am, ¡Thank you for this! I enjoy it till the end, very much, as always I really love it.
Until the next story!
7/11/2024 c35 karen4honor
Oh my stars and garters! This whole series has been above and beyond pretty much ANYTHING I've ever read similar with VERY few exceptions - both fandom and mainstream! Katinki and Sarge's Girls being the other big two!

7/10/2024 c33 karen4honor
Oh shit! All this culminating on just two chapters left!? My brain is going to explode!
7/10/2024 c32 karen4honor
Apart from the daughter's "relationship/crush" on Kim, I really hope she's not a bad guy, and can be free of this mess!
7/10/2024 c31 karen4honor
Small miracles!
7/9/2024 c27 karen4honor
It will be funny as heck if the bears and wolves REALLY DO take some of them out!
7/9/2024 c20 karen4honor
I'm still super proud of you and all the stuff you've overcome and accomplished! BRAVA!
7/8/2024 c13 karen4honor
7/8/2024 c9 karen4honor
Whew! A bit of proper training, and they will be on top of it all!
7/8/2024 c7 karen4honor
HOLY SHIT! They're young, but sharp and smart as hell!
7/8/2024 c2 karen4honor
The kids will be a force to be reckoned with (if not already!)
7/7/2024 c35 jtullis721
Just finished the series for the umpteenth time. Mercward and Angelward are my go-to stories for my mental health. Thank you for all your wonderfully creative works. Please keep it up, but most of all, take care of yourself.

Seeing Jacob finally get what's coming would be nice!
5/24/2024 c34 saintfudge
Thanks for sharing ..I have just finished re reading the whole series as I had missed this last story .. this is still one of my favourite series and I could easily read them all again ..thanks again for sharing and have fun ..
5/17/2024 c35 Star White
Just finished reading again. And can I ask Why hasn't this been published or made a movie yet?

I'm still here checking when your next adventure strikes this team. Betty flying y Sammy giving Alice a run for her money. And really helping out the grown ups. Hugs
4/30/2024 c35 1lostinapapercup
I would love to see a kids future-take! Teen years, first boys…so many shenanigan possibilities!
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