Just In
for Fanfiction - Volume 14: The City-States Alliance

9/21/2018 c10 bao ngu
bao ngầu
9/18/2018 c10 Guest
more chapters
9/3/2018 c5 Guest
Bandit Is all dead there is undedead can Walk the wall.
To many using uninpropriate word.
Character feel dont exist
There is No reason or advantage for nazarick for the attacking and killng
About ainz worshiipper kinda not true Because Many people will hate it And it more like ainz admmirrer and fans
8/23/2018 c7 Shan
Boss my name is shand and my gmail is please if u can cannu send me the like to volume 14 chapter 3 fanfic after the ending i am momon from drakness
8/1/2018 c10 hayden
i want more! this is really good better then most of the fanfiction that i have been reading. keep up the good work
7/6/2018 c10 Aladen Kim Zamora Locaas
as the story goes im liking it and im craving for more plsss update fanfic though...
7/4/2018 c10 2Sasugasm
For meisking01:

Nice find ! I love that someone found two of the background details that take place in the story but which are never told. Since I will probably never explain those, allow me to summarize it here.

Halona died against Aura. There is no doubt about that. Worse, her body was taken to Nazarick with the goal of producing one more undead to be commanded by Ainz. However, what you may not know is that she owns powerful magic items, most of which synergize perfectly with her Talent. Her resurrection is the result of one of them.

In YGGDRASIL, one could choose to come back to life at one of four locations when casting an XP-draining resurrection spell. Her necklace is an item that permits such thing. It has a chance to resurrect its owner at a designated respawn point when he dies, all the while without draining any XP, the counterpart for this extraordinary power being the time of recovery and the cooldown of the item. When Halona was about to be turned into an undead, her spirit awakened for a second during the transition, and she unconsciously activated her Talent, with her necklace being triggered. As a result, she was brought back to life at her designated respawn point in Troya, and later found by guards, then transported to Waldonus house to keep her safe and secret.

I know there are still many questions like why didn't anyone took her magic items, and why no one came to her pursuit, but it comes later in the story. This you should answer the first and the second part.

As for the composition of Thunderbird, it's a long story. The dwarf comes from a family of outcasts from the Azerlisia Mountains that has been taken as slaves by a noble family (imagine such a rare specimen for slave traders), while the lizardmen is a native from the City-States. Doing my research, I found that the Karnassus City-State Alliance include demi-human cities among all the human ones. The idea is that lizardmen, although being a rare occurrence, do exist in the City-States and, much like the other demi-humans, are persecuted and commonly treated as slaves. I imagined that due to this behavior, the ancestors of the current lizardmen tribes migrated to the Great Lake in search of a new home to flee the City-States. After the conflict with the indigenous demi-human tribes that had settled in the northern part of the lake, they ended up in the seven clans of the lizardmen, with five left remaining to this day. Just imagine Sabaoth's reaction when he will find out... he who's very attached to his species and hates human because of what happened in his past. What you can remember is that both the stories of Brokk and Sabaoth are very sinister...

I hope I answered your doubts, and don't hesitate if you have any question ! Thank you for the kind review, I really appreciated it ;)
7/1/2018 c10 2meisking01
A unique story you have here, I am enjoying it.

I enjoy the 'in medias res' type of intro, starting the story at the tail end of a war with the SK. Undoubtedly a short war considering the power of Nazarick. However I have a hard time seeing how Halona managed to survive a head on collision with not one but two Guardians. Obviously she didn't survive but came back instead. Problem is that standard procedure for Nazarick is that if you encounter a 'potent' enemy, you capture them, either alive or dead. By rights Aura and Cocytus would have taken her corpse because even though they won, they did face an unexpectedly strong enemy. So why didn't they? I hope it has a plot relevant explanation rather than just being a plot hole.

Going on, it seems her talent is the ability to auto resurrect. A very potent tool to be sure, but resurrection in any form in this universe costs a crap ton of power, as seen with Blue rose after their fatalities. Death, while not permanent, takes a huge chunk of power out of a person, or in gaming term multiple levels worth of experience. So, is Halona not only able to auto resurrect, but has immunity to this universal rule? I could accept the first, the second just seems too much.

Thunderbird has an odd composition. One human, dwarf, and lizardman. Dwarves were confined to their mountain range, I see no way a dwarf got to the far side of the Empire. And lizardmen are confined to thelake which resides next the Great forest of Tob. So how did both of these guys get so far away from their normal habitat?

Those nitpicks aside I'm enjoying the story. Please keep it going. I like the political angle you are trying to show here, its one often glossed over by other stories. Also the fact it isn't another one of those never-sufficiently-damned 'Momonga and me' type of stories make it heads and shoulders above most the stories here by default. So please keep at it, knowing you have another Favorite and Follow on this story.
6/29/2018 c1 Guest
Looking pretty ok so far.

So far the unaccurate thing is the power scaling, NW scale their level times 3 (f.e. lvl 30 Ygg. 90 difficulty NW). So stating that a group of lvl 22 adventurers can do a lvl 60 mission is quite unbelievable. Also the guardian level scaling are quite far-fetched, Cocytus lvl 133 and stronger than Gargantua? No way that that is accurate.

But since we are talking about a group of maggots, its only natural they 'overestimate' their true rulers..
6/24/2018 c10 1Doommajor
Finally! The meeting I've been looking forward to! I hope to see the next chapter soon, or I might just die of curiosity!
6/24/2018 c10 RyuujiVantek
Finally, a meeting with ainz as momon!
Ive been waiting for ages!
6/24/2018 c10 2Metafanfix
Lol Halona and her friends can't even catch one cheeky noble that they've faced since the beginning of their career but she wants to overthrow Nazarick and outmaneuver Demiurge, Albedo and Pandora' Actor.
5/15/2018 c9 Apex
Oh ma gawed, this is so EXCITING! Cant wait for them to meet ainz ooal gown sama!
5/13/2018 c9 Hydrangea Wine
I pity this poor girl. Her optimism towards a fight with Aura and the desire to avenge her friend's death has blinded her. If for some reason, against all odds, Aura is killed by Halona, Ainz will bring hell down on her and everyone associated with Aura's slaying. But of course, Halona, along with most NW residents, doesn't know the true strength of Nazarick. This strength is not easy to predict, but some measure of backlash should be expected by anyone who kills one of Ainz's seemingly important subordinates (of course we know Aura is important, but the NW can only guess at her significance). But I suppose Halona's minor tunnel vision can be seen as a good character flaw.

Although I would love to see more of Nazarick, particularly if Pandora's Actor has a place in the plot, I am interested about the backstory of Halona's group. This Clavo seems like he will make a good antagonist, and her interactions with this man, both past and future, will surely be important to this so far enjoyable story.

Thank you for this update! I look forward to the next!
5/1/2018 c8 Bull
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