Just In
for Little Lamb

4/24/2022 c3 1DemonWolf25
Damn, I want more of this fic...
10/3/2019 c3 5PepperCornPie
:) awesome story! Very intriguing. Would love to read more if you’re still interested in continuing this story
9/12/2019 c3 Pennywise fan’s been 2 years and IT chapter 2 just came out a week ago...will this be continued? I don’t wanna sound impatient or needy. But I just found this story again lmao.
7/2/2018 c3 iloveyou1234
I really like this chapter. The ending was nicely written.
7/2/2018 c2 iloveyou1234
So far, I really like this! I noticed you use the phrase 'for..' alot through your writing. Sometimes when in back to back sentences it can be little distracting. Otherwise nice job so far.
11/28/2017 c1 2farrahjohnson21
I'm curious to see where this goes keep up the good work
11/28/2017 c3 farrahjohnson21
I'm curious to see where this goes keep up the good work
11/25/2017 c3 28Son of Whitebeard
11/20/2017 c3 GG
11/20/2017 c3 GG
Good Fic ! you should post story on . They have a bigger following for IT . Please update soon!
11/19/2017 c3 6DoodlebugQT Writes
This is a very intriguing story. I only wish the chapters were longer. But hopefully we'll get more very soon. I'm very interested to know how this story goes. I also like how you don't entirely know what timeframe it's in. It could be the eighties to the twenty-seven years before that to even modern day. Who's to say for certain?
11/15/2017 c3 rosie
Just an idea, would you be interested in maybe skipping forward into the future to where this child is now a teenager and maybe they develop a different type of relationship if you know what i mean? like there's some sort of attraction from pennywise towards her now that she's older? i think it would be interesting. Just an idea though!
11/13/2017 c1 4octopieunderscoreunderscore
Please, please update soon, I love this!
11/11/2017 c1 Guest
Please update soon
10/29/2017 c2 2ThatFag
Woah this paints a picture of Pennywise's POV perfectly
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