10/29/2017 c1
OriginalMcFishie what a lovely little vignette! Its so real to life, its not aloof and its in character! Short and sweet and perfectly formed!

OriginalMcFishie what a lovely little vignette! Its so real to life, its not aloof and its in character! Short and sweet and perfectly formed!
10/25/2017 c1 Guest
This was lovely thank you for sharing it
This was lovely thank you for sharing it
10/27/2017 c1
I loved this! It was what was missing for me in Rilla even though it is a book I always loved. I loved the cheekiness of the letters, we always wanted them to be inappropriate, didn’t we! The discussion made me reflect on that too- Anne was Gilbert’s anchor, really- and I agree with the other reviewers, she would have understood then. He would not have gone alone. All the same the joy in their togetherness was lovely- I enjoyed this so much.

I loved this! It was what was missing for me in Rilla even though it is a book I always loved. I loved the cheekiness of the letters, we always wanted them to be inappropriate, didn’t we! The discussion made me reflect on that too- Anne was Gilbert’s anchor, really- and I agree with the other reviewers, she would have understood then. He would not have gone alone. All the same the joy in their togetherness was lovely- I enjoyed this so much.
10/25/2017 c1
2Kim Blythe
Hi, I hope that this isn't the only snippet that you are going to write here, on ?!
Because this little vignette right there was so full of and with humour, sadness, melancholy, love, fear, memories, life changing thoughts, what ifs...
All of this to say that I am sure that you are capable of writing more vignettes or stories in the future !

Hi, I hope that this isn't the only snippet that you are going to write here, on ?!
Because this little vignette right there was so full of and with humour, sadness, melancholy, love, fear, memories, life changing thoughts, what ifs...
All of this to say that I am sure that you are capable of writing more vignettes or stories in the future !
10/25/2017 c1
19Alinya Alethia
Oh this is an inspired bit of insight. I’m glad you wrote it. It starts off with such levity in spite of the war -I love the callback to those love letters and the choosiness of nibs. Without spelling it out, we also get a good picture of how Anne and Faith must interact. Anne guesses there are omissions, she doesn’t need the telling. And she’s parsed too the depth of this love, has made the space for Faith to be the tether she must surely be to from there you ease us almost imperceptibly into a fascinating thought excercise, if the war had fallen in a different place, to different Inglesideans. Without Anne as ballast, I too wonder how Gilbert would have stood it, she’s always been a tailwind to him, and the Cooper was hard on him as it was. But I tend to think with Anne that war might just have precipitated her book of revelations moment. I certainly hope it would. And the ending is lovely in its tenderness. We don’t get many addenda to after the wedding with these two, the focus shifts to the children, but this is the perfect cap. War or not, they’re still very much Anne and Gil, very much in love, and will weather their storms together.

Oh this is an inspired bit of insight. I’m glad you wrote it. It starts off with such levity in spite of the war -I love the callback to those love letters and the choosiness of nibs. Without spelling it out, we also get a good picture of how Anne and Faith must interact. Anne guesses there are omissions, she doesn’t need the telling. And she’s parsed too the depth of this love, has made the space for Faith to be the tether she must surely be to from there you ease us almost imperceptibly into a fascinating thought excercise, if the war had fallen in a different place, to different Inglesideans. Without Anne as ballast, I too wonder how Gilbert would have stood it, she’s always been a tailwind to him, and the Cooper was hard on him as it was. But I tend to think with Anne that war might just have precipitated her book of revelations moment. I certainly hope it would. And the ending is lovely in its tenderness. We don’t get many addenda to after the wedding with these two, the focus shifts to the children, but this is the perfect cap. War or not, they’re still very much Anne and Gil, very much in love, and will weather their storms together.
10/25/2017 c1
Hello Original McFishie!
I have enjoyed so many of your own lovely reviews, that it is a real privilege to post my own here :)
Anything that has Gilbert in it, much less Gilbert and Anne, will draw me every time, let me tell you.
This is an utterly lovely little snapshot, full of all those little touches we know and love about these two - the delightfully inappropriate correspondence, the finding strength and reassurance in family and each other - but there are some little heartbreakers too. Gilbert's self doubt and deprecation, turned to how he would have feared in the war, and the very real horror that he could have well 'joined up just to escape' - being without Anne at that stage that would have been such a real and typical reaction for him that it caught my breath a bit. A young and more reckless Gilbert out on the battlefield, fearing all was lost for him anyway, is a little bit more than I can handle!
And yes, him comparing himself to Jem in this situation is a lovely counterpoint to elizasky's chapter x
Please keep posting! As Excel Aunt herself said earlier, anything that ends in their kiss - for 'all of the Glen to see' - is rather good enough for me too x

Hello Original McFishie!
I have enjoyed so many of your own lovely reviews, that it is a real privilege to post my own here :)
Anything that has Gilbert in it, much less Gilbert and Anne, will draw me every time, let me tell you.
This is an utterly lovely little snapshot, full of all those little touches we know and love about these two - the delightfully inappropriate correspondence, the finding strength and reassurance in family and each other - but there are some little heartbreakers too. Gilbert's self doubt and deprecation, turned to how he would have feared in the war, and the very real horror that he could have well 'joined up just to escape' - being without Anne at that stage that would have been such a real and typical reaction for him that it caught my breath a bit. A young and more reckless Gilbert out on the battlefield, fearing all was lost for him anyway, is a little bit more than I can handle!
And yes, him comparing himself to Jem in this situation is a lovely counterpoint to elizasky's chapter x
Please keep posting! As Excel Aunt herself said earlier, anything that ends in their kiss - for 'all of the Glen to see' - is rather good enough for me too x
10/25/2017 c1
10Excel Aunt
I agree with you that Anne would have come to her senses if Gilbert went off to war. I'm glad there's another AoGG out there! Anything that ends with Anne/Gil kissing is a win for me! Great job!

I agree with you that Anne would have come to her senses if Gilbert went off to war. I'm glad there's another AoGG out there! Anything that ends with Anne/Gil kissing is a win for me! Great job!
10/25/2017 c1
4Anne O' the Island
Oh, bravo! This is truly a lovely glimpse into Anne and Gilbert's life during Rilla of Ingleside.

Oh, bravo! This is truly a lovely glimpse into Anne and Gilbert's life during Rilla of Ingleside.
10/25/2017 c1
46oz diva
Sweet to see how Gil is impressed by what this new generation has to endure. Of course even with a wonderful girl in their lives, all too many boys still didn’t make it home, but I suppose it made the trenches slightly easier to bear. I loved the passionate kiss at the end.

Sweet to see how Gil is impressed by what this new generation has to endure. Of course even with a wonderful girl in their lives, all too many boys still didn’t make it home, but I suppose it made the trenches slightly easier to bear. I loved the passionate kiss at the end.
10/25/2017 c1
Yay! I'm so glad you posted this! It's so much fun to imagine the other halves of scenes or to ask similar questions of different characters. I asked what it might be like for Jem to have Gilbert's legacy hanging over him, and you've asked what it might be like for Gilbert to wonder if he could ever be like Jem. Marvelous!
I particularly enjoyed imagining what's in the rest of Faith's letter. Anne's joy (and Gilbert's) in knowing that Jem and Faith have one another is lovely. You've also extended the fine tradition of exploring Gilbert's self-examination/self-doubt. I think that's one of the main differences between Gilbert and Jem - Jem grew up with security and plenty and doesn't really interrogate himself as Gilbert does (for better or worse!). And Gilbert's understanding that the Cooper Prize was not really a wholly wonderful thing is an excellent counterpoint to the way Jem and Jerry (and that jerk of a chem professor) talk about it.
I hope you will keep writing. Any scene can be flipped or extended or remembered years later. I hope you'll post more of your interpretations here!

Yay! I'm so glad you posted this! It's so much fun to imagine the other halves of scenes or to ask similar questions of different characters. I asked what it might be like for Jem to have Gilbert's legacy hanging over him, and you've asked what it might be like for Gilbert to wonder if he could ever be like Jem. Marvelous!
I particularly enjoyed imagining what's in the rest of Faith's letter. Anne's joy (and Gilbert's) in knowing that Jem and Faith have one another is lovely. You've also extended the fine tradition of exploring Gilbert's self-examination/self-doubt. I think that's one of the main differences between Gilbert and Jem - Jem grew up with security and plenty and doesn't really interrogate himself as Gilbert does (for better or worse!). And Gilbert's understanding that the Cooper Prize was not really a wholly wonderful thing is an excellent counterpoint to the way Jem and Jerry (and that jerk of a chem professor) talk about it.
I hope you will keep writing. Any scene can be flipped or extended or remembered years later. I hope you'll post more of your interpretations here!