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for Holocron

9/29 c4 Antianti12
What's up with the mr/ms stuff?
6/15 c16 Mr.Fluppy
Nahhh bro either Ron will have red saber and joins Voldemort or he got a reality check somewhere down the line and got his own lightsaber at the last minute
5/12 c18 Callum Runchman
I really wish you'd finished this. Ron falling to the darkside was both interesting and somewhat expected tbh and I was so excited to see them battle after he'd completely fallen. Voldy would have been easy to deal with in their next confrontation and I'd love to have seen more esoteric lightlide abilities like ionise to disable magic shields or force judgement to go on the offensive with the force itself. I personally would have preferred harry not teach anyone and keep his newfound abilities to himself or as a future potter family secret. Either way this was a great story that was abandoned at the worst opportunity. You could have finished in like only 3 more chapters just rounding it off and then forgetting about it anymore
3/23 c4 Bronze
Was it truly accidental that Harry didn't get the muggle-born info package or was it deliberate on Good Ole Fumblemorts' part? It could go either way really. It just depends on how you write the story. Personally, I think the old fraud has long outlived his usefulness. He knowingly left a fifteen-month-old baby on a doorstep in November. Warming charms or not that is/should not be done! He knew the home would be abusive as McGonagall told him so. For the next ten years he never checked up on Harry to be sure he was being treated correctly. That was followed by seven years of abuse by the so-called professors at that so-called school. Not to mention having to be the one to keep that place from closing due all the trouble that the staff failed to do anything about. Therefor if Harry gets to Hogwash and those things start to happen, apparated do not walk nor run to the nearest floo and get the bloody hell out of there! If that means the school fails, then the school fails. But Harry being a student there in no way shape or form means it's his responsibility to ensure it remains open. That falls squarely on the shoulders of the so-called adults in general and the headmaster in particular. It is also his responsibility to ensure the professors are actually TEACHING their subjects. Not defending their failure to do so. Yeah, the magical will likely consider it an act of cowardice but it's simply not the responsibility of an eleven-year-old to fight Dark Lords, save a stone that had no true reason for being in there in the first place. Ask this and try to get a logical answer. HOW DID VULTUREWURST LEARN THE STONE WAS IN GRINGOTTS IN THE FIRST PLACE? Fumbles went to France to convince the Flemals the stone was in danger and to allow him to take it back to Hogwash to protect it. If he was truly that concerned with its' safety the secret of it being there would never have gotten out as only hew would've known where it was. So, who did he tell and why? All this leads me to see Good Ole Fumblemort as a Dark Lord hiding in the light. As well as a huge reason why Harry should never go to Hogwash. Now it is a shame that Harry won't be able to build a lightsaber in this as I do believe it would fall under the heading of The Power He Knows Not. But as it's your story it goes your way not mine. Another complaint I have is having Harry be friends with Ronald Weasley. Unless you change his lazy ways he's an anchor around Harry's neck that he doesn't need. I enjoy H/Hr pairings as well as Harry with almost any other female or even multi female pairings. I can't read slash as it just creeps me out. However, I've never flamed an author for writing it. To each their own.
3/21 c2 Bronze
I don't mind the time skips. Without them you'd never get through 1987. The story'd be 365 chapters just for 1988 alone! Anyhoo, there's no way Dud learned his lesson form this one time. He's thick as 20 trillion light years of lead! Piers at least has some brains though admittedly not much. With Harry learning from the Holocron by the time he reaches Hogwash Good Ole Fumblemort won't know what happened to his plans. I can see this Harry Potter being sorted into Ravenclaw rather than Gryffindor. I can't see him being best friends with Ron Weasley in this. Ron is just too lazy. I can see Harry being best friends with Neville though. That would likely bring him out of his shell sooner.
3/21 c1 Bronze
Well, what is Harry's Midichlorians level? Must be off the charts, right? ;) Come on! Roll those eyes! :) Just having a little fun there. One thing's for sure, this will NOT be the Harry Potter Good Ole Fumblemort will be expecting. Whether or not Harry can use the Force to stop BOTH Dark Lords remains to be seen. And yes, I DO consider Good Ole Fumblemort a Dark Lord. You can't simply leave a fifteen-month-old baby with an abusive family and walk away for ten plus years and not be! Which is exactly what Good Ole Fumblemort did to Harry. Do Not even bother to mention Mrs. Figg! She can see what happens in public but has no way of seeing never mind reporting whatever happens inside that house!
1/12 c18 miss-direct836
Such a well written and unique story!
12/18/2023 c5 Hrmm
What happened to his knowledge that many isolated worlds thought of magic as the force? It went poof to make him doubt his own sanity?
10/25/2023 c5 Pecan Crisp
I'll admit to having no knowledge of Holocrons either, but just from context clues it seems like they're essentially the magical world's paintings, only taken up to 11.
9/19/2023 c18 6Mando-Vet
This was a great story; I truly hope that you return to it one day.
9/19/2023 c14 Mando-Vet
I'm gonna guess that the Sith in your vision isn't Voldemort, Harry. Maybe someone closer to you...
9/19/2023 c9 Mando-Vet
Yup. Called it.
9/19/2023 c7 Mando-Vet
Just based off of how Ron is reacting to the Force, I feel like he's going to be Earth's first Sith.
5/29/2023 c1 3LordHadesinTartarus
So I'm curious, if only the films count as canon how are you justifying holocrons? They weren't introduced in any of Lucas's films. I'm not really griping since this actually seems like sort of a fun start. And since you mentioned some of Rowling's infamous plot holes and other iffy decisions - I'm very interested to see how horcruxes and the "blood wards" bs (doesn't matter how I look at it I can't find any angle that allows Dumbledore's decision to knowingly have Harry remain in a home where he is emotionally and verbally abused and neglected to make sense in any context other than deliberately setting him up to be depressed and self-sacrificing) will be treated.
5/22/2023 c6 stacygrrl2002
I'm sorry, but I can't see any good come from Ronnie learning anything about how to use the force. I just never liked Anakin's character or Ronnie. They are both spoiled, greedy, thoughtless, bigots that felt hard done-by and jealous of everything and anybody that had something they didn't.. right up there close to Tommy. Just my opinion.
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