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for Holocron

8/7/2021 c2 21Duchess67
Ha, Dudley deserved that after hurting the cat that way! Evil little git!

You keep telling the story any way your muse decides, because that way lies more updates and not stifled writing! :)
8/7/2021 c1 Duchess67
I like your start! I can soooo see the visit to the caverns going that way, as evil as the Dursleys are, deliberately raising such a horrible child as Dudley. *shuddering*

This holocron is intriguing! How in the world does Harry get to keep it? I'll read on and see. :)
8/1/2021 c18 Quaziemoto
I like the way you brought in the Force, and not the people of the Jedi story.
I look forward to more.
5/17/2021 c18 Incantations7
I was referred to your story about the Knight and after reading it I decided to check out this story too, since I’ve always loved a good crossover with HP, and I am rather impressed by this story too. I have followed you and the story in hopes that you eventually find the time to finish it…
5/17/2021 c7 Incantations7
What about Hagrid’s dragon?
5/10/2021 c1 timberwolfst
Perhaps the Jedi who left the Holocron was part of the Outbound Flight mission. Not movie canon, but expanded universe canon where a group of dreadnoughts were combined into a generational ship shortly before (or possibly during the early days of) the Clone Wars. The mission was to find life outside of the Star Wars galaxy. might have ended up on Earth. Might have been the start of people using Magic. Just a thought.
4/2/2021 c18 fraewyn
Loving it! Hope there's more soon!
2/27/2021 c6 Boread97
I for one didn't think that Ron will come to warn Hermione about the troll. In the Canon, it's Harry that urge him to seek Hermione to warn her.
2/10/2021 c18 Caver Floyd
Good story, hope to see more at some point.
1/9/2021 c4 Pointer3109
Harry's in for a bit of a shock. School of Jedi!

Enjoyed it.
12/9/2020 c7 Cybred
So why wouldn't voldi have quirrell TAKE the mirror?
11/22/2020 c15 96Anne Camp aka Obi-quiet
The vision has nothing to do with Voldemort. Has the holocron not warned Harry about Sith? Or even Dark Jedi? I mean, seriously...

Although if Ron is going to fall, this is well set out. Warned from the get go and a very slow, gradual fall.

This is honestly the HPxStar Wars crossover I've been LOOKING for! I love how you're bringing the different Jedi aspects into this. :D Excellent.

I would have liked to see more at the beginning comparing the Force with Magic. IE, what did Harry feel when he met Quirrel for the first time, whether that was in Hogwarts or in Diagon alley, (probably the former), wouldn't he have been able to tell something was off about it all? Or Olivander's reaction to him? Or his reaction to his wand? How did each of the different wands feel? How did Snape react when Harry didn't 'cheek' back at him? How about using the Force to throw an ingredient right back at whoever threw it?

I don't normally like HarryxHermione (usually I despise it rather avidly) BUT I'm okay with this one. Mostly. It still kind of quirks me, but it's definitely the best written relationship between them I've seen so far.

In any case, I have a couple more chapters to go, and can't wait for more!
10/11/2020 c18 About
I like the story, that said, Ron his impending fall has been obvious from the start...
10/9/2020 c17 Guest
I can't stand Ron.. Hermiones only slightly better.
10/9/2020 c2 Guest
I've always thought that Dudleys little 'gang' only got as bad as they did bc of Dudley and the way the adults just brushed off their abuse of Harry.

You actually captured that really well here.
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