Just In
for Lost and Searching

12/26/2024 c16 7Ki11er18001
If you ever update, can Bucky and Peter connect more?
7/16/2024 c15 Ki11er18001
Kind of would like to see Bucky give Batroc a beat down (for lack of a better non-expletive term) for what’s happened.
4/7/2024 c16 Byentutin
Omygosh I love this so much
11/17/2023 c16 wardamad
Pls update soon
7/27/2023 c16 8CRUDEN
Ross just let it go man no super soldiers for you
7/27/2023 c16 50Blaney
Great chapter.
Welcome back, I've been eagerly awaiting this, however, I know real life can be, so I wasn't worried.
1/5/2023 c15 27vtorx
Ok miss Black Widow you trying to deny Bucky is too hypocritical of you.
12/7/2022 c15 107gallna
Don’t normally enjoy Nat having a child as I feel it goes against her background story. But I really enjoyed this I hope there is more
11/16/2022 c15 Belbelanne
Love the new chapter Nat really does need to tell Peter who his biological dad is, as it should be Peter's decision if he wants to know him, but if the Winter Soldier did kill Mary and Richard Parker that is going to be one messed up conversation. Wonder where that will leave Tony, as we all know he has strong parental feelings for Peter.
11/5/2022 c15 Juan Luis Vargas Aleman
Hola, soy un comentario en español XD.
La verdad me resulta un poco frustrante la forma en que natasha no para de subestimar a Peter, me gustaría que él le demuestre de una vez que puede cuidarse solo. Creo que ella se merece que Peter le reclamé al menos una vez por no confirmar en él.
10/28/2022 c15 scpotter
I loved it !
10/27/2022 c15 8predalienway
I LOVE this fanfic so mucho! Can't wait to see Peter's reaction
9/18/2022 c14 Alyssa
Amazing story! Please update soon
9/11/2022 c14 5Lightningscar
Great chapter :)
Looking forward to see what happens next :)

Yours sincerely,

8/30/2022 c14 scpotter
I love your story !
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